Attending SAA? Write about a conference session for the HRA Blog!

If you happen to be attending SAA and would be interested in summarizing a session, please drop me an email at As an example, I covered a session at the Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives Conference last year for the Issues & Advocacy blog. It can be a simple summary of the issues discussed, or you can get a little opinionated and say what you thought was most productive about the session or not as productive.

Here is one session I would like to have covered: July 288:30-9:45 am -- Preserving the Spark: Challenges in Archiving Activist Movements

Can you think of another one related to archives and human rights? Let me know. I'm also interested in sessions at regional conferences, or non-archival conferences that are still related to the cultural heritage, information or history professions. Not attending a conference? I have some ideas for cultural heritage professionals you could interview about innovative initiatives. Email me if this interests you.