Elections 2014

Results of the 2014 CMTRT Election

Matt Gorzalski (Vice Chair / Chair-Elect)

Biographical Statement
Information unavailable.

Candidate's Interest
Information unavailable.

Eric Milenkiewicz (Web Liaison)

Biographical Statement
Eric Milenkiewicz is the Manuscripts Curator in Special Collections & University Archives at the University of California, Riverside. He holds an MLIS from San José State University, with a specialization in archival studies, and a BA in Psychology from UC Riverside. Milenkiewicz is currently serving in his second term on the Society of California Archivists’ Executive Board as Membership Director. He also serves as chair of the UC Archival Management Systems User Group.

Candidate's Interest
I have been an ardent supporter of the Archivists’ Toolkit (AT) for many years, implementing its use at UC Riverside as a collection management and finding aid creation tool in 2007. AT revolutionized the management of archival collections at my institution allowing us to more easily manage/provide access to our holdings and I have heard much of the same from colleagues using Archon. The next few years will be an exciting time of transition as ArchivesSpace (ASpace) positions itself to supersede AT and Archon. My institution was among a handful selected to participate in the California Digital Library’s beta testing of their hosted ASpace instance where in addition to gaining experience using the software I was also able to provide much needed feedback on functionality/usability. Moreover, in my current role as chair of the UC Archival Management Systems User Group I believe that I am well positioned to keep conversations flowing and dialogue open on improvements to and added functionality for ASpace. Equally important is the provision of continued support for those still using AT/Archon and I feel that the Archivists’ Toolkit/Archon Roundtable (ATART) has an essential role to play here.

Serving on the Steering Committee of ATART would afford me the opportunity to become more involved and actively engaged in this process as we enter the next phase of archival management software development. Through open and transparent communication this roundtable can serve as a valuable information sharing resource for AT, Archon, and ASpace users alike. I would welcome the opportunity to help shape the future of archival management systems through greater participation on ATART.

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