Anthony's Baptism Party, circa 1956 The Justo A. Mart’ Photographic Collection

Tule Lake Concentration Camp, Group Photo (93.102.51), circa 1942 Jack Iwata Collection Courtesy of the Japanese American National Musuem

Family in Tule Lake Concentration Camp (93.102.7), circa 1946 Jack Iwata Collection Courtesy of the Japanese American National Musuem

Samuel Breckenridge Family, Lawrence, Kansas, circa 1900 The First Regular Missionary Baptist Church Collection Courtesy of the University of Kansas, Kenneth Spencer Research Library
Liago Family, Seattle, Washington, circa 1929-1930 Dorothy Cordova Photo Collection Courtesy of the Filipino American National Historical Society |
Liga Puertorriquena e Hispana Brooklyn, New York The Jesus Colon Papers Courtesy of the Centro de Estudios Puertorriquenos Hunter College, City University of New York

The Roll'in Bennett Band Topeka, Kansas, 1950s J.B. Anderson Collection Courtesy of the University of Kansas, Kenneth Spencer Research Library |