SAA Annual Meeting Task Force: Who We Are


SAA’s annual meeting has followed the same basic model for many years.  It’s time for a fresh look at how we meet, what happens once a year or year round, how we communicate with each other, and what are the goals of our annual get-together.  SAA’s Council has given this group until Spring 2013 to look at a number of aspects of SAA’s annual meeting, come to some conclusions about what seems to still be working well, what needs to be retooled, and what should be scrapped altogether, and then make our recommendations to Council.  We hope to reflect the needs and desires of members about the annual meeting – as well as the economic realities of meeting costs and SAA’s budget.  Our four subcommittees – and major areas of our investigations are: 

  •  Meeting model
  •  Meeting content
  •  Online access
  •  Social responsibility  



We are conducting research, listening to what members want to see at their meeting, finding innovative ideas both within our membership and with other like-minded professions such as ALA, AASLH, PLA, archival regionals, etc.   We will also be looking at the results of the recent Member Survey.  Think something about the annual meeting should be changed – or stay the same?  Tell us!



We are here at the SAA meeting, online on the SAA website ( - available as an RSS feed) via SAA’s Facebook page, and on Twitter.  We will also be writing updates for Archival Outlook and In the Loop.  We want to hear from you, learn about your concerns and your desires about the annual meeting.  Talk to us in person or contact us through the various methods on the web.



You!  We want to hear from you any way you’d like to reach us.  Comment on our website posts, or on SAA’s Facebook page, send us a message (our members are listed on the SAA website), call us, or talk to us here at SAA.   You can try telepathy, but we don’t guarantee results…