Questions from Meeting Model Survey

Questions from Meeting Model Survey:

1)      Name of your organization 

2)      How many members in your organization

3)      How often does your organization hold a recurring conference :  Annually; Semi-annually; Other (please specify) 

4)      How many members attend your recurring conference? Please provide an approximate number if you cannot provide a definitive number of attendees. 

5)      Where does the conference take place?

  1. Single hotel
  2. Multiple hotels
  3. Convention center
  4. University/College
  5. Other (please specify)

6)      What is the typical conference lodging venue?

  1. Single meeting/conference hotel
  2. Multiple meeting/conference hotels
  3. University/college
  4. No sponsored or group rate options provided
  5. Other (please specify) 

7)      Which of the following are offered during the conference with regular registration fees or for an additional fee?   [this question was in the form of a grid, with section A options across the top so that section B options (going down the side) could choose the appropriate section A option.]


  • Included in Registration Fee
  • Fee in Addition to Registration
  • No fee
  • Not offered


  • Live Virtual Conference Stream
  • Webinars during conference
  • Unconference sessions
  • Mobile App or online schedule
  • Speed-meetings/Table Talks
  • Post Conference Access to Recording of Sessions
  • Mapped Suggested Interest “streams”
  • Program sessions held at local repositories, museums, etc.
  • Tours of local repositories, museums, etc. (without a program session)

8)      What changes are you considering, if any, to your meeting/conference model? If you have already made changes recently, please describe those changes and reasons for the change.

9)      Does your organization hold recurring section meetings for specific working groups within your organization (i.e. Round Tables, Committees, etc.)?

  1. Yes. Section meetings are held only during the regular conference.
  2. Yes. Section meetings are held only at another time of year outside of the regular conference.
  3. Yes. Sections meetings are held at both the regular conference and also at another time of year.
  4. No. We do not hold additional meetings at all. 

10)   What is the total organizational budget? Please offer the approximate budget if you cannot provide a definitive budget total. 

11)   What percentage of the organization’s overall budget derives from the conference? 

12)   What percentage of the conference budget is derived from registration fees? 

13)   Is the registration fee the same for all attendees? 

  1. Yes.
  2. No. 

14)   What percentage of the conference budget is derived from sponsors or exhibits? 

15)   Does the conference offer options for sponsors and vendors? 

  1. Exhibits Hall Booth
  2. Title Sponsors
  3. Conference registration bag logo
  4. Conference registration badge logo
  5. Gala, dinner or lunch sponsor
  6. Advertisement in printed program
  7. Online advertisement or logo placement
  8. Meeting room sponsor

16)   What’s on your dream list for your annual conference? 

17)   Is there anything else you would like to add or is there something which you feel we did not address that would be helpful to our goal of identifying alternative meeting models to help meet the needs of our members?  Please comment.