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Dr. Patricia C. Franks is Program Coordinator for the Master's Degree in Archives and Records Administration. Her research interests lie in archives, records management, and emerging technologies. She has presented at numerous conferences on a variety of topics, including social media, information governance, and virtual internships. Her work in virtual worlds has resulted in the creation of the Virtual Center for Archives and Records Administration (VCARA) on the iSchool Island.
She is author of the book, Records and Information Management, published in 2013 by Neal-Schuman/ALA. She was the recipient of a grant that resulted in a popular report among US Federal government workers, How Government Agencies Can Effectively Manage Records Created Using New Social Media Tools. She received two grants to develop a virtual internship program for SLIS students, one of which is a collaborative grant with the College of Business. She recently completed a second grant project on Cybersecurity competencies for non-cybersecurity experts. Her current research is with the InterPARES Trust multi-national, interdisciplinary research project, where she leads two teams: 1) social media and trust in government and 2) records retention and disposition in a cloud environment.
Pat is a Certified Archivist, Certified Records Manager, and Information Governance Professional. Pat was team lead for ARMA/ANSI 18-2011 Standard, "Implications of Web-based Technologies on Records Management," and the ARMA Technical Report, "Using Social Media in Organizations." She serves on the board of directors for the Central New York ARMA chapter and was honored with induction into the ARMA International Company of Fellows in October 2014.
Pat presents at academica and professional conferences on the local, national, and international levels, and she has written extensively on a variety of topics including, virtual internships, digital curation, electronic records management, information governance, social media use in government agencies, and security iss