Preservation Management of Physical Records

Dept. Code: 
Course Number: 
Course Credits: 
Course Instructor: 
Dr. Elizabeth Dow
Offered Online: 

LIS 7504
Preservation Management of Physical Records

Catalog Description
        Study of preservation as a management function, highlighting causes of deterioration o print and non-print collections, as well as policies and practices that ensure their maximum useable life.

Course Objectives
By the end of the course, the student will be able to:

        1. Identify a preservation hazard to the holdings of a cultural heritage repository;
        2. Explain why it's a problem;
        3. Suggest either a solution to the situation or find an organization or publication than can provide understanding of the problem and solutions to it.
        4. Explain and justify a preservation program in a cultural heritage repository

Topics Covered
        1. Structure and Deterioration of Materials
        2. Housing and Handling of Archival Materials
        3. Collections Care and Handling
        4. Preservation Reformatting and Conservation Treatment Options
        5. Creating Sustainable Digital Collections
        6. Disaster Planning and Emergency Management
        7. Building a Preservation Program (Includes surveys and assessments)