Management of Electronic Records

Dept. Code: 
Course Number: 
Course Credits: 
Course Instructor: 
Prof. Phil Bantin from Indiana University
Offered Online: 

Management of Electronic Records

Catalog Description
        Study and evaluation of the impact of automation on archival theory and practice. Analysis of models and strategies developed by archivists to manage electronic records.

Course Objectives
        By the end of the course the student will be able to

        Describe the nature of electronic records
        Discuss how data and information systems work, and how they differ from recordkeeping systems
        Explain various models and methodologies for analyzing and describing information systems
        Discuss the social, legal, and policy implications of managing electronic records
        Explain the major laws and court cases that have influenced how electronic records are managed
        Discuss the impact automation has had on archival theory and practice
        Describe various strategies archivists have developed for appraising, describing, and preserving electronic records
        Evaluate and compare the various implementation strategies presently proposed for managing electronic records
        Identify viable research needs and suggest alternate approaches to the management of electronic records

Topics Covered
        Business Environment and the Impact of Technology on Institutions: Changing nature of communications, organizational structure, and workflow
        Changes in Business Environment and Technology and the Impact on Archival Theory and Practice
        Developing Recordkeeping Requirements - Identifying and Measuring Evidence, Risk, and User Needs
        Management of Electronic Records: Description and the Role of Metadata
        Management of Electronic Records: Data and Information Systems - Types of Systems and Design Features
        Management of Electronic Records: Identifying, Capturing and Appraising Records
        Management of Electronic Records: Long-Term Preservation
        Management of Electronic Records: Developing Partnerships: Roles and Responsibilities
        Laws, Regulations and Courts Cases relating to electronic records management
        Management of Electronic Records: Research and Implementation