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2002-2003 Student Members:
Magia Ghetu, President
Andy Kolovos
Heather Michele Rayl, Webmaster
Mona Moistner
Tim Thomas
Mary E. Gaudette, Secretary
Paul Charles Heyde
Angie Brunk, Discussion Leader
Phil Bantin, Faculty Advisor
January 17, 2002
Organization and recruitment meeting. This was our first meeting of the year and our first real meeting as a student chapter. A small group of us introduced ourselves and explained the mission of our student chapter in hopes of attracting more members. We briefly described our events for the semester and informed students about our mailing list.
February 2, 2002
Tour of the Mather's Museum. The student chapter sponsored a behind-the-scenes tour of the Mather's Museum on the Indiana University Bloomington campus given by Laura Hohman, Registrar. The Mather's Museum is renowned for its anthropological collections. As a group of approximately 15 students, we were given a tour of the preservation area, the stacks, and got a close look at the accessioning process.
February 19, 2002
Meeting with the faculty advisor, Philip Bantin. Philip Bantin met with us to discuss the focus of our student chapter and his role as faculty advisor. He offered to set up a talk about copyright issues with Dr. Kenneth Crews in Indianapolis and expressed his desire to assist with any aspect of the chapter.
March 5, 2002
Talk by Brenda Burk, IUPUI Philanthropic Studies Archivist. Brenda Burk traveled from Indianapolis to give a talk about her repository, IUPUI archives, and her philanthropic studies collections. She also discussed the archival profession and encouraged us to become members of the Midwest Archives conference. Philip Bantin also attended this talk.
March 22, 2002
Tour of the Preservation Lab at IU, Bloomington. Acting head of preservation, Jacob Nadal gave a tour of the lab for approximately two and a half hours. Staff members demonstrated preservation tactics and procedures. Jim Canary from the Lilly Library came in to speak about the preservation of rare books and manuscripts.
April 13, 2002
Lecture "Copyright for Unpublished Manuscripts and Archives" by Prof. Kenneth Crews at IUPUI. A group of six of us traveled up to Indianapolis for the day to hear Dr. Crews, a renowned expert in copyright law, discuss copyright issues for archivists. After the talk, we visited the Indianapolis Historical Society.
May 27 and 28, 2002
SAA sponsored EAD Workshop. A few members of the student chapter participated in a two day workshop on EAD in order to gain hands-on experience in encoding existing finding aids.
September 10, 2002
First meeting of the fall semester. The student chapter had its first meeting of the year in order to introduce our chapter to new students. There was a remarkable amount of enthusiasm and a record number of students attended the meeting. Philip Bantin also attended and discussed his role in the chapter, the relevant classes he is teaching, and inquired about what he could do for the chapter.
October 4, 2002
Lilly Library Tour. The chapter sponsored two tours of Indiana University, Bloomington's Lilly Library with the head of public services, Becky Cape. The Lilly Library houses numerous collections and rare books mostly pertaining to American and British literature, film, American history, Latin American history, and so on.
October 9, 2002
Talk by Dr. Carol Choksy, Certified Records Manager. SLIS visiting lecturer, Dr. Choksy, gave a talk about the records management profession as part of a career week activity that all four of the student chapters at SLIS participated in. Dr. Choksy has been a consultant for the past twelve years and is also active in ARMA.
October 22, 2002
SAA meeting: Fewer students attended this meeting, but we were still able to discuss the most recent activities and get some feedback. We discussed the idea of asking for a membership fee for joining the student chapter that would begin the following semester. We also discussed elections, the completion of the Annual Report, and an upcoming happy hour. The students arranged for a tour of the University Archives, but that was eventually cancelled due to lack of interest.
November 23, 2002
Guest Speaker Event: Carolyn Texley, archivist at the Lincoln Museum in Ft. Wayne, traveled down to speak to a medium-sized group of students (approximately 15). The student chapter served a light brunch and prefaced the talk with an informal introduction. Carolyn spoke about her experiences as a field archivist in Michigan for approximately an hour and a half, followed by a lively discussion.