Council Exemplary Service Award: Digital Library Federation’s Born-Digital Access Working Group

Society of American Archivists
Council Exemplary Service Award




WHEREAS the Digital Library Federation’s Born-Digital Access Working Group has worked since its formation in 2017 to advance the practice of providing access to born-digital collections; and

WHEREAS the Working Group has created invaluable practical, ethical, and legal resources on providing access to born-digital cultural heritage material, including its educational offerings, its Levels of Born Digital Access, and its Legal and Ethical Considerations for Born-Digital Access; and

WHEREAS the Working Group has created and sustained a robust, forward-looking community of practice focused on ensuring that cultural heritage institutions are equipped and able to provide access to the born-digital materials in their care;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the DLF Born-Digital Access Working Group be honored with a 2024 SAA Council Exemplary Service Award for their exemplary work in improving access to cultural heritage materials.

Presented August 17, 2024