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The submission process for a Case Study on Diversifying the Archival Record is designed for ease and flexibility of use. Authors are required to submit only basic information. A completed submission form in and of itself may be sufficient for a Case Study, although links for context, contacts, and more detailed description or other evidence of results are encouraged. The length of the Case Study may vary.
Preparing Your Case Study: Please use the submission form below. Be sure to include, to the best of your ability, all of the information requested—such as identity, authorship, and case summary.
Suggested elements for a Case Study include cultural context and background of the involved individuals, groups, and/or organizations; nature of the records; key challenges (both anticipated and those that have been overcome); illustration of the unique efforts made to collect and document the archival record; analysis; and how archivists, other information professionals, teachers, and communities can use the Case Study as a resource or reference.
Illustrations, such as tables, charts, and digital images, are welcome and should be attached to the form.
Authors are responsible for understanding and following the principles that govern the “fair use” of quotations and illustrations and for obtaining written permission to publish, where necessary. Accuracy in citations is also the author’s responsibility.
Copyright of the Case Study will remain with the author, and SAA will acknowledge that in the copyright line that will appear with the Case Study. Authors will consent, grant, and assign to SAA the right to publish and/or distribute all or any part of the Case Study throughout the world in electronic or any other medium.
Please direct questions or requests for additional information to saahq@archivists.org.
Please try, to the best of your ability, to include all of the information requested.