Call for Session Proposals - San Diego 2012 (test)

Body Copy

The session title should reflect, in 10 words or fewer, the content of your presentation.

This version of your abstract will be used by the Program Committee to evaluate your session proposal. Concisely state the session focus and how it will be addressed. How does the content relate to the goals of the Annual Meeting? What about your proposed session is unique, new, and of value?

If your proposal is accepted, this version of your abstract will be published in the Preliminary Program and online to describe the session to prospective attendees. Concisely state the session focus and how it will be addressed. Stress the focus, value, and objectives—those attributes that would entice a reader to attend. (Final editing for publication may be revised or approved by the Program Committee co-chairs. The session chair will receive a final version for approval prior to publication.)

4) Session Topic

This data point will be used by the Program Committee to help achieve topical balance within the Annual Meeting.

Please specify up to 2 topics from the lists below.

Other Topic

Please enter topic(s) if not listed above.