Donate Items for the NDRFA Silent Auction

June 5, 2024—The SAA Preservation Section invites you to contribute an item or bundle of items for the Silent Auction to be held on Thursday and Friday, August 15 and 16, at ARCHIVES*RECORDS 2024 at the Hilton Chicago in Chicago, Illinois. The Section is seeking items from either repositories or regions that you feel might be interesting to others—and handcrafted items are especially popular! You do not have to attend the conference in person o donate an item. The only requirement is that the item being auctioned MUST fit in either a carry-on or checked bag.

The silent auction benefits the National Disaster Recovery Fund for Archives (NDRFA). This fund was established in 2005 after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, and is used to support the recovery of archival collections from major disasters, regardless of region or repository type. Last year, the many generous contributions to the auction helped raise over $4,400 to support archivists.


If you have any questions, please contact Daria Labinsky at