Call for Mentors

As you might know, the Society of American Archivists runs a Mentoring Program for its members. Information about the program can be found here: SAA Mentoring Program

SAA's Mentoring Program is designed to bring together members with shared interest in different aspects of the archival profession. The goal is to cultivate career development and communication between members with areas of expertise and members who want to build their knowledge within those areas.

Think you don't have any expertise to share? Some of our colleagues waiting for mentors are just getting started in the profession and are looking for advice on schools, classes, career trajectory, resume development and interviewing skills.

If you feel you have something to offer our newest colleagues, please consider signing up to be a mentor. You can submit an application to the program here:
SAA Mentoring Program Application Form (click on "Apply to be a mentor")

Please, do not reply to this message. Replying to the listserv will not get you put on the list of mentors or proteges. Hit forward instead and send the email to me personally if you wish to contact me directly.

For those of you who have been mentors or proteges, thank you for participating in the program!

Thank you for your consideration,
Alison Clemens
SAA Mentoring Program 
2 Comment(s) to the "Call for Mentors"
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taylo says:

The Society of American Archivists Mentoring Program fosters professional growth by pairing experienced archivists with newcomers. Volunteers share career advice, insights on Among Us archival best practices, and guidance for aspiring professionals.