SNAP Steering Committee Meeting Minutes - 2023/04/27

SNAP Steering Committee 2022-2023

Meeting #8: Thursday, 4/27/23

Time: 8 AM PT / 10 AM CT/ 11 AM ET

Attendance via Zoom: Marissa Friedman, Laura Kathryn Nicole Jones, Michelle Novak, Jessie Knoles

 Regrets: Amber Bales, Bailey Adolph, LaShaunda Croussore


  1. Chair Announcements + Upcoming Administration

    1. Annual SNAP meeting scheduled for July 13th at 6pm CST

      1. Start considering programming options:

        1. Student chapters: 2 votes

        2. Professional programming: 2 votes

      2. One more reach out for more votes - coming soon

        1. Marissa will reach out to Laura soon

    2. Amber will be unable to attend the next few meetings so Jessie will be stepping in as our secretary - thank you!!

    3. Artist Archives Event with Visual Materials Section Tuesday April 11th was a hit - had over 50 attendees and over 120 registrants; blog post available here

      1. Check out the recording if you haven’t seen it! Good turnout and event.

    4. SAA Membership 101 Webinar—Scheduled for Monday, April 17, 2pm Central.

      1. Michelle should have recording up by next week

      2. About 40 attendees

    5. Event in the works: Archivist as 2nd career - speakers are almost lined up

      1. Hoping for May but can also look into June

      2. Let Marissa know if you want to coordinate event and/or host event

      3. Michelle will help plan the event - will help coordinate / email with speakers, etc.

    6. SNAP elections!

    7. Carlos from SAA emailed with a request for SNAP: to revive two resources aimed at helping new members to SAA navigate the annual conference, this year in Washington, D.C.

      1. “Lunch Buddy” Program: Launched in 2012 by SAA’s Students and New Archives Professionals (SNAP) Section, the Lunch Buddy program helps students, new archivists, and first-time Annual Meeting attendees to network with colleagues and mentors across SAA. Meet-ups are arranged by a volunteer coordinator who will serve as the point of contact, select the time and place, and identify an optional theme or topic for discussion. Anyone may coordinate or attend a Lunch Buddy meet-up, regardless of experience in the profession or meeting attendance. Please see SNAP's open Google Drive spreadsheet to volunteer as a coordinator, sign-up as an attendee for an existing meet-up, or learn more about the program.

      2. Rideshare/Roomshare/Housing Program: This spreadsheet connects SNAP members and other conference attendees who may need to share rides to/from/during the conference or share lodging, and offers a space for those living in the conference area to offer a room in their home as a place for others to stay during the conference. These arrangements can help greatly reduce the overall costs of attending the conference and can increase the likelihood that students, early career professionals, job seekers, and others who have limited or no travel funding are able to attend. Anyone may add to the spreadsheet if they have a ride or room/roommate space to offer, or if they are seeking a ride, room, or roommate. Please see SNAP’s Google spreadsheet if you are seeking a ride/roommate or would like to share a ride or room with someone.

      3. Just a matter of updating and sharing spreadsheets on our channels

        1. Jessie will work on this

      4. Other options (from Michelle): create a SNAP orientation guide to SAA Conference

        1. Michelle will look into

      5. Side question: any SNAP people going in-person?

  2. Vice-Chair Announcements + Upcoming Administration

    1. Liaison to Membership Committee - updates?

      1. Bailey will report back soon with election info (timeline, what positions we will need to fill, etc.)

    2. Steering committee members will need to go up for reelection

    3. Ex-officios can stay on (without election) if interested

    4. Need to elect:

      1. Vice chair

      2. Three steering committee members

      3. Web/admin/social media person

    5. If you’re interested in staying on, you will be able to stay on in some capacity

    6. External election promotion:

      1. Michelle promoted election during last webinar - some interest

      2. SNAP socials

    7. Timeline for elections

      1. Call early next week

      2. Statements to be received in May/June

      3. Go from there

      4. Ballot to SAA by the end of June? - Marissa will double-check date

    8. LaShaunda will stay on as programming coordinator

    9. Laura will stay on as student chapter coordinator

  3. Blog Team

    1. Interest in mental health posts in May? TBD

      1. Job hunt, being a student/new professional

      2. If anyone else is interested, or know people who might be interested, in writing a post - reach out to Marissa

      3. Could also create space to share resources

      4. Open to other ideas and contributions!

    2. Blog always open for input

    3. New blog post with recap and recording of artist archives event

  4. Social Media

    1. YouTube Channel update?

      1. SNAP wants own channel on SAA YouTube account; need access to upload videos to SAA YouTube account

      2. Marissa and/or Bailey need to check in with Felicia (Hannah?) to see where we left off with that

      3. Michelle has all videos on her Vimeo account. Sent a dropbox link to videos to SAA in 2022, for them to upload to YouTube. No action.

    2. Reminder: if you see any scholarships, events, resources, internships, etc. that you think would be of interest to our members send it Nicole’s way!

    3. On the table – SNAP’s Twitter account? When do we jump ship?

      1. Where else could we go?

  5. Web Liaison

    1. No updates

  6. Student Chapter Coordinators

    1. Reached out to SAA regarding SNAP relationship to student chapters

    2. Survey results

    3. If anyone else wants to submit feedback on the survey, there is still time

    4. Then Laura will polish up and send off

  7. Programming

    1. Ideas? Interest in hosting or participating in upcoming webinars?

    2. Webinar on archives as a second (or maybe even third) career path (Nicole) in the preliminary planning process

      1. 3 potential speakers courtesy of Nicole and Laura’s connections (and Bailey?)

        1. Rob Hudson, Assistant Director, Rose Museum and Archives at Carnegie Hall said yes

        2. Marissa confirmed with contact who is willing to be on this panel

    3. Programming Topic Idea Worksheet—feel free to add to this or pick up a topic idea and start running with it—contact LaShaunda, Marissa, or Michelle to discuss how to start or if you would like a suggestion to start with

    4. Michelle - Survey SNAP to see what type of programming they’d like to see – possibly survey around the annual meeting?

  8. Additional Updates (Open to All)

    1. Set up a program to explore resources for job hunting for non-Glam pathways (note from Marissa: whose idea was this because this sounds amazing!)

  9. Confirmation of the next Meeting Date

    1. Next meeting Thursday May 25th at 8am PST/11am EST


Referenced Group Meeting: