February 2023 Steering Committee Meeting


Present: Katalin Rac - Co-Chair, Ashley Minnich - Co-Chair, Arianne Johnson Quinn - Newsletter Co-Editor, John Esh - Web Liaison


March Action Items 

·       Ashley: Write “About Us” content for the web page

·       John: Add “Join the Section” link to the website 

·       Ashley: reach out to Elizabeth to organize 3 or 4 programming ideas based on survey feedback 

·       Katalin: create wording for invitation for meet and greet event on March 9 and send it to the committee for review before sharing with the section

·       Committee: Brainstorm ideas for program for Annual Meeting - Ashley will send link to document


February Meeting Minutes 

Co-Chair Updates

Thank you John for getting the minutes on the webpage and making page updates!

Thank you Elizabeth for taking the lead on the survey and compiling the responses for us!


Website Updates

Ashley will take a stab at writing an “about us” for the site.

John will add a “Join the section” link to the website.

Standing rules: https://www2.archivists.org/groups/performing-arts-section/standing-rules

The standing rules have also been added to the shared drive for us to have a record of and also a working copy that can be edited and revised.


Social Media/Twitter

The assembled section members discussed whether to continue using Twitter or not to post section and event information.

Though most agreed with no longer wanting to use Twitter, an official conclusion was not reached.


Newsletter/Blog Updates

None reported.


Section Events


Section Event: Katalin suggests hosting a meet and greet or open house to allow us to prepare for elections, discuss what we’re doing within our archives, and help us get to know the other section members.


Coffee and Chat: set up for the steering committee meeting in March. Katalin sent out a draft of the invitation and committee members are kindly asked to send comments and suggestions to edit by February 25.


Review of responses from member survey. Elizabeth plans to repost the survey regardless of PAS moving forward with plans. And is available to do work on whatever programming plans come out of this meeting. Ashley will reach out to Elizabeth to organize 3 or 4 more solid ideas for programming. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1r_uT7nBJcmDeXbAFCkVJ0aa-LqDyBhwE/edit?usp=share_link&ouid=111122316181732382320&rtpof=true&sd=true

Ashley will create a planning/brainstorming document for people to add additional ideas to.


Annual Meeting Programming: Group agreed to do more brainstorming on our own time before the next meeting for ideas on the programming for the annual meeting.


Next Meeting - March

Thursday, March 9 at 1:30pm ET

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