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If you happen to be attending SAA and would be interested in summarizing a session, please drop me an email at hilary.h.barlow@gmail.com. The HRA blog has two conference posts so far, one about a session on Indigenous records and one about a disability rights collection. Your post can be a simple summary of the issues discussed, or you can get a little opinionated and say what you thought was most productive about the session or not as productive.
I would love to see one or more of these covered--
103 - Resisting Surveillance: Data Privacy Best Practices for Archivists
202 - Culture, Competencies, and Colleagues: a Cafe on divers*
404 - Preserving the Spark: Challenges in Archiving Activist Movements
F01 - Archives Against Authority: Community and Practice at Interference Archive
Can you think of another session related to archives and human rights? Let me know. I'm also interested in sessions at upcoming regional conferences, or non-archival conferences that are still related to the cultural heritage, information or history professions.