Meeting Minutes: February 2015

DAS Subcommittee Meeting

February 19-20, 2015

17 North State Street, Suite 820, Chicago, IL


Present:  Mahnaz Ghaznavi Chair, Liz Bishoff, Lori Lindberg, Cynthia Ghering, Veronica Martzahl, Glen McAninch, Thomas Rosko, and Sybil Schaefer committee members; Solveig De Sutter, Director of Education; Ania Jaroszek and Mia Capodilupo, Education Coordinators; and Sandy Dolan, Psychometrician.

 Thursday, Feb 19

Minutes from previous meeting were approved

Education Committee update from early Feb – Mahnaz

·         CoE discussed DAS student and faculty surveys – takeaways (not enough how-to/too theoretical, lots of overlap between courses, webinars need revision, inconvenient locations of courses and exams) the only faculty tool people consistently use is the ppt template.

Idea - create a welcome packet for instructors

·         Training vs. education discussion.

·         Need to clarify which courses are included in the DAS exam and what each one covers to cut down on overlap.

·         Webinar module idea – present a series of webinars with hands on and interactive activities.

·         ERG discussion – LMS vs CMS, additional $60,000 added to education budget for next 5 years in support of this initiative (with council approval) plus development of new education tracks. Cynthia would be willing to participate in advisory group.

·         Marketing question for DAS program – why would someone now take the DAS program if they have to complete the exam and other tracks don’t? How are tracks distinct from MLIS programs?

Sandy Dolan – Exam development (see report with comments added at end of document)

·         Target a percentage of pass/fail

·         Implement pilot items as courses are revised

·         Code minor area

·         Randomize in future

·         Provide scores by domain

·         ID answer key by Domain

·         Re-Angoff every five years

·         Angoff only new items

·         August Baseline to do statistical


·         Take out McGovern citation – point to 2004 Pubs Award

·         Find out if Peach New Media accommodates Moodle

·         Provide training in exam writing

 Liz – Survey Reports 

Ideas to address faculty comments:

Ø  SAA staff will send more reminders to onsite hosts and more communication with instructors about the facilities where they are teaching.

Ø  Require an IT signature on the contract for IT intensive courses and be in touch early with the IT contact.

Ø  Standardize learning objectives and course materials (2 instructors teaching same class should use basically same slides).

Ø  More faculty assistance on exam question writing/webinar presentation.

Ø  Follow up emails to faculty/students who completed surveys assuring them we have heard their comments and are working on improvements.

Ø  Faculty recognition in Archival Outlook/possible faculty award

Students – Would like to survey students every year or 2, use these stats as baseline. Main complaints were overlap of material in courses, webinars too basic and outdated. Would like to see higher “very satisfied” rate.

Ideas to address student comments:

Ø  Require foundational webinars, i.e. OAIS for everyone entering program

Idea from Mahnaz: 

Ø  Develop higher-quality webinars with more hands-on training, minimal theory

Ø  Explore course offering strategies – possibly offer courses at set times in major cities 2-3 times a year

Ø  Partner with CoSA or other groups to offer week-long course series (ARL model).

Ø  Homework assignments/continuing online discussion, in particular for webinars

Ø  Manage student expectations when entering program

Webinar ideas:

      Mass Municipal clerks Archival Records Project – self paced learning, suggested by Veronica. Video combined with reading and exercises.

      Library Juice

      MOOCS/Moodle (example: 2004 SAA Pubs award)

Link from Sibyl: 

Criteria for new DAS SC members

Veronica is going off the SC – more than 30 people have volunteered for a position. Historically, decision has been made based on areas of expertise lacking on DAS SC. Committee is currently interested in:

Ø  Perspective – at least 3-5 years experience in the field

Ø  Someone who has experience with webinars

Ø  Affiliated with NDSA or similar group

Ø  Minority

Mahnaz will develop a short list based on these criteria and Solveig will inquire about getting more info (resumes, etc) on top candidates. 

Course Liaison Updates

BER/BMER /Electronic Records the Next step (Cynthia). Both BMER & BER were due 1st week of Feb., M. Myers has been busy but is working on it. Thinking of changing content of ER Next Step into several small webinars focusing on different areas (email, business records, storage, cloud storage)

Dig. Curation 1&2 (Mahnaz). ??

Digital Forensics titles will be changed to - Digital Forensics: Fundamentals and Digital Forensics: Advanced

Premis: Not progressing – interested in getting Rebecca Guenther to teach (she is teaching at METRO soon, should involve her in course development)

Providing Access: Veronica sent to Cynthia, she will review and develop the course as a webinar. Target Aug. to have it ready.

Archival CMS: Too heavy on Archives Space, Veronica will revise within the next month and re-record with info about different systems (ArchivesDirect, CIDER).

Processing (Sibyl): Webinar in June (Glen will assist). Collaboration with Pubs (module provided to webinar participants).

Metadata: Needs revision (from 2008). Suggestions for instructors: Shawn Averkamp (Sibyl) and Martha Bacca (Mahnaz). Should EAD be included? Sibyl will contact Shawn first, Mia sent all Metadata info.

Digital Repositories (Lori): Erin and Mahnaz have discussed writing a short article for an SAA publication to spark interest in DIR.  Arrange conference call.

Copyright Issues (Tom): Recently updated, Tom is pleased with it and gets great reviews.

CRADLE: Need to review materials and decide what to do, need instructor as well. Sibyl/Liz both have ideas, Richard Marciano suggested. Veronica knows a Tufts NDSA fellow who did research on this.

Idea: No coverage of OAIS after Tier 2Conference Call Dates:

March 24

May 19

June 15

July 28

Face-to face meeting: Oct 7 & 8, 2015

Friday, Feb. 20

Glen’s proposal

Glen & Lori are revising the pdf/a webinar. Glen will try to expand and broaden for Moodle. First part focuses on the format itself, sustainability, background. Add more preservation formats, possibly test it with a small group (focus group) and host with Moodle as a pilot program. Concern that instructors are already pressed for time and would not be able to do interactive exercises with students.

Idea: conduct live class with interaction, archive and offer at a reduced fee.

Web Archiving course

Selection/policy development – government pages, how frequently web is harvested for archive. Committee feels would be good addition to Tools and Services tier, as long as it isn’t too specific – instructor(s) should have experience with different types of repositories. Sibyl will be the liaison.


Command-line interface class – using BagIt

Core competencies:

Need to highlight problems, especially 6&7; designate 2-3 people to make edits and present to group. Lori and Liz will work on it with Mahnaz. We need to use caution in re-numbering because will have to go through a re-edit course descriptions with correct numbers.

Strategic Plan:

Final draft document in CEPD/Chicago 2015 folder

LMS – Peter/Matt

Purpose of education research group is to help Education deliver more and make better decisions using metrics. Have been looking at iCohere, which is an a la carte system using different modules for functionality. It includes a 1000 seat license for WebEx meetings. Peter and Matt would encourage committee to do a pilot test using Moodle or another free system, to learn for the future.

Rough SAA timeline would be to overhaul website during summer 2015, the LMS is in the 2016 budget, so could get started as soon as this summer if we find a good system. Group will consider as well to see what integration is possible.


·         To-do list for conference calls

·         Communication plan

·         Improve navigation of faculty website area, distribute course proposal template.

·         Compile requested courses from participant surveys

·         Identify a CE recruiting process, resource packet to hand out at Annual meeting and other events (especially Faculty session)