CEPC November 2013 Conference Call Minutes

Minutes of Nov. 20th CEPC Conference Call


Written by Paul Lasewicz


1.         Attendees -  Nancy Freeman, Mark Brodsky, Tiffany Schureman, Robert Riter, Sharon Silengo,  Paul Lasewicz


2.         Minutes – 2013 CEPC Annual meeting minutes approved.


3.         Call for Case Studies – The Committee discussed details about the content and process associated with issuing the call for ethics case study proposals.


Case Study Models - A suggestion was made that prior to issuing the call for case studies, the Committee itself should author several studies that could serve as samples for potential authors to model from. Concerns were expressed that that would push the publication time frame back at a time when the Council wanted to accelerate the project; that the models could also server to constrain the topics of potential submissions; that the committee might not have the bandwidth to collectively author. The Committee also discussed balancing case studies between classic ethical issues (possibly reusing older work on this) and newer, emerging issues.

Submission Request Document – Suggestions were made to add a suggested length and language encouraging submissions targeting new and emerging ethical issues to the call for proposal document. Freeman volunteered to frame these.

Publication Board Input – Freeman will call the Board to get their input to help clarify the process so that the Committee can establish workflows and set timeframes.

Evaluation Criteria – Riker offered to draft guidelines for evaluating the case

studies, using existing SAA guidelines wherever possible. He will submit a draft     for Committee review by 12/15, and the Committee will provide individual feedback to him before the end of the year so he could collate this input for a Committee call on 1/8.

Publication Format and Process – The Committee discussed options regarding the web publication of the case studies, ranging from pooling submissions and publishing annually to publishing on an as received/evaluated basis. The Committee determined that member bandwidth would be a key variable in this decision, and decided to keep its options open.

Committee Charge – The Committee reviewed its charge to ensure that ongoing case study project does indeed fall within its existing charge. It was determined that it falls under the Committee’s monitoring component, and therefore is within its scope. The existing charge is slated to be reviewed soon to assess if it needs updating.


4. Timeframes

            12/4 – Conversation with Publication Board  (Freeman)

            12/15 – CEPC work plan for Annual Report (Freeman)

            12/15 – Criteria for case study evaluation criteria (Riter)

            12/31 – Criteria feedback (all)

            1/8 – CEPC conference call to review criteria feedback

            1/15 – Call for proposals


5. Next Call – Wednesday, January 8, 2014, 10:00 AM central


6.  New Business

CEPC Web Page - The question of who is responsible for updating the CEPC page on SAA website, and is there any additional content that should be posted was discussed.

ICA Brussels - Tiffany offered to provide a summary of her attendance to the ICA meeting in Brussels.