2013 Elections - ATART Position Announcements

The Archivists’ Toolkit/Archon Roundtable is seeking candidates for the following positions to start in August 2013. If you are interested, please send an email to Cassie Schmitt, chair (schmitt@umd.edu) and Sasha Griffin, vice-chair (grifsa01@luther.edu).

The ATART Roundtable would like to encourage candidates from a variety of institutions using both Archivists’ Toolkit, Archon, or those who may implement ArchivesSpace in the future.

Vice-chair (1 vacancy)

The Vice-chair shall serve for one year as Vice-chair, succeeding automatically to the office of Chair for the subsequent year (two years total, one as Vice-chair and one as Chair).

The Vice-chair serves as acting Chair in the absence of the Chair and participates as a member of the Steering Committee in all its activities.

The Chair directs and reports the activities of the roundtable, organizes and conducts the annual meeting of the roundtable, chairs the steering committee, acts as liaison for the roundtable to other bodies, appoints roundtable committees as needed, and is responsible for administrative matters, including, but not limited to, annual reports to the SAA.

Steering Committee Member (3 vacancies)

Serves for a term of two years.

The Steering Committee directs and coordinates activities of the roundtable and approves appointments made by the Chair, including ex-officio appointments and when vacancies occur. Committee members help establish projects to work on through the year, and plan the annual roundtable meeting. A member of the Steering Committee shall take minutes at the annual roundtable meeting, and assist the Chair in editing the minutes to be posted on the AT/Archon Roundtable website.

The Steering Committee shall appoint any other vacancies to fulfill unexpired terms of elected positions, after which a normal election shall occur.

The Steering Committee shall be composed of at least one representative from the Archivists ToolkitTM community and at least one representative from the Archon community.