Archivists and Archives of Color Section

The Archivists and Archives of Color Section (AAC) is an interest group within the Society of American Archivists. SAA is the oldest and largest archival association in North America, serving the educational and informational needs of more than 5,500 individual and institutional members. The AAC Section helps to identify concerns and promote the needs of archivists and archives of color.

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AAC Atlanta 2016

AAC at SAA Atlanta 2016

News & Announcements

Table of Contents - Letter from the Senior Chair, 1-2 - Staff Updates, 3-4 - Announcements, 4-8 - Your 2019-2020 AAC Steering Committee, 9
Thank you to all of our excellent candidates for standing in the 2020 Archivists and Archives of Color Section election. Please take some time to review their candidate statements and get to know them so you can make an informed choice.
This post features the candidate statements and bios of the candidates running for the roles of Co-Chair/Chair Elect, Newsletter Editor, and Steering Committee Member
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