material |
mat |
Master Record of Manuscript Collections |
master of archival studies |
master negative |
master file |
master |
mass deacidification |
markup |
marking |
marginalia |
MARC Format for Archival and Manuscripts Control |
MARC AMC format |
map |
manuscript repository |
manuscript group |
manuscript curator |
manuscript collection |
manuscript box |
manuscript |
Manual of Archival Description |
manifest |
mandatory rights |
mandate |
management information system |
management |
mainframe computer |
main entry |
mail |
magnification |
magneto-optical media |
magnetic wire recording |
magnetic tape |
magnetic media |
magnetic disk |
magic lantern |
magazine |
macro data |
macro appraisal |
machine-readable |
machine indexing |
machine independent |
machine dependent |
maceration |
lyophilization |
ls |
LP |
Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe |
lossy |
lossless |
long-playing record |
lone arranger |
logical record |
logical design |
logical |
locus sigilli |
location index |
local records |
local area network |
loan |
lithography |
literary works |
literary warrant |
literary manuscripts |
list |
lipping |
linen |
linear foot |
line code index |
lignin |
light archives |
life expectancy |
life cycle tracking |
life cycle |
life continuum |
license |
Library of Congress Subject Headings |
library |
librarian |
liability |
levels of arrangement |
level of description |
letterpress copybook |
letterpress |
letterhead |
letterbook |
letter-by-letter arrangement |
letter size |
letter box |
letter |
legal value |
legal size |
legal custody |
legal cap |
legacy system |
ledger |