Explore the world of Born-Digital Design Records!

Born-Digital Design Records, edited by Samantha Winn, brings together three modules that guide archivists in managing born-digital design records through historical overviews, use cases, practical tool registries, sample workflows, and robust glossaries of terms. Part of SAA's Trends in Archives Practice Series, these three modules are:

  • Module 24: Navigating the Technical Landscape of Born-Digital Design Records by Kristine Fallon, Aliza Leventhal, and Zach Vowell
  • Module 25: Emerging Best Practices in the Accession, Preservation, and Emulation of Born-Digital Design Records by Jody Thompson, Euan Cochrane, Aliza Leventhal, Laura Schroffel, and Emily Vigor
  • Module 26: Case Studies in Born-Digital Design Records by Aliza Leventhal, Stefana Breitwieser, Alex Jokinen, Mireille Nappert, and Zach Vowell

Take a peek inside!
SAA (2022) | 235
Retail: $39.99 | SAA Members $29.99


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Don't Miss Out on Other New Books from SAA!

Managing Business Archives, edited by Sarah Polirer, offers insightful examples and practical discussions from nine archivists. Managing Business Archives provides direction for any archivist making decisions in a dynamic business climate.

Take a peek inside!
SAA (2022) | 182 pages
Retail: $69 | SAA Members $49 
Print | Epub | PDF | Kindle

In Archival Virtue: Relationship, Obligation, and the Just Archives, author Scott Cline raises questions that grapple with the meaning of what archivists do and, perhaps more important, who they are. Embracing the language of moral philosophy and theology, such as relationship, obligation, care, faith, transcendence—what one commentator calls "soul worlds"—the book explores ideas of moral commitment, truth, difference, and just behavior in pursuit of archival ideals.

Take a peek inside!
SAA (2021) | 212 pages
Retail: $55 | SAA Members $39 
Print | Epub | PDF | Kindle

Forthcoming in Winter 2022


Museum Archives: Practice, Issues, Advocacy, edited by Rachel Chatalbash, Susan Hernandez, and Megan Schwenke, articulates what museum archivists do, the impact of their work, and how they can position the archives as an indispensable hub of knowledge and activity within the museum. Twenty-seven museum archivists provide practical guidance on the day-to-day management of archives and explore strategies for effectively carrying out the museum archives' work.

SAA (2022) | 192 pages
Retail: $69 | SAA Members $49