Oral History

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Oral History

Catalog Description
        Introduction to oral history methods and theory; constriction and administration of oral history projects; conducting interviews; preservation of interviews in archives and libraries.

Course Objectives

        By the end of the course, the student will be able to

        Describe how oral history projects are constructed and administered,
        Conduct an oral history interviews
        Transcribe an oral history
        Evaluate a preservation plan for oral history interviews
        Discuss the technologies involved in the collection and preservation of interviews,
        Discuss the reliability of memory
        Discuss the use of oral histories in various forms of publications including print, radio, television, internet, and museum exhibitions
        Discuss the ethical issues related to the collection and use of oral history

Topics Covered

        Oral history theory
        Oral history interviewing techniques, ethics, and legal issues
        Oral history technologies
        Transcribing, archiving, and preservation
        Memory and identity as it relates to oral history
        Publishing oral history