Special Topics:Internet Publishing

Dept. Code: 
Course Number: 
Course Credits: 
3 Semester Hours
Offered Online: 

Each year approximately 1.5 billion gigabytes of information is created in a variety of formats, or some 250 megabytes for each human on the planet. Increasingly, this information is taking a digital form. This class will allow students to weigh digital options for presenting information to a variety of different audiences, with a special emphasis on Internet-based journals. Students in particular will examine and participate in the basic production routines of the journal "World Libraries" (http://www.worlib.org). In addition, two other Internet based publications will be examined, the cyberculture scholarly journal entitled "First Monday" (http://firstmonday.org) and a book review journal, "Current Books on Gardening & Botany" (http://www.chicagobotanic.org/book/).