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In her new SAA book, Archival Accessioning, editor Audra Eagle Yun asserts that “accessioning is deeply personal, deeply subjective, and imbued with great power.” An archival accessioning program, after all, is the keystone of responsible collection stewardship and essential to providing both equitable access and meaningful contextualization of archives. In this virtual event, the editor and six expert panelists explore the convergence of accessioning in both archival education and archival practice. Tune in to a lively panel discussion on the historical influence and future of accessioning practice, positionality in the work of accessioning, and why archival accessioning matters.
Audra Eagle Yun is head of Special Collections and Archives at the University of California, Irvine. She is an experienced manager and consultant with a demonstrated history of empowering special collections and archives professionals. Audra has worked in archives and special collections at Wake Forest University, Forsyth County (NC) Public Library, UCLA, The Walt Disney Company, Duke University, and the Library of Congress. She was the PI for "Transforming Knowledge, Transforming Libraries," an IMLS-funded research project illustrating how participatory, student-centered approaches in building community-centered archives partnerships can transform engagement between ethnic studies, community-based archives, and libraries. She is the editor of Archival Accessioning (SAA, 2021) and served on the Council of the Society of American Archivists from 2017 to 2020.
Rosemary K. J. Davis is the accessioning archivist for the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library at Yale University. She serves on the steering committee for SAA’s Women Archivists Section, as chair of SAA's Committee on Ethics and Professional Conduct, and as managing editor for the Journal of Contemporary Archival Studies. She is co-lead on a long-term research project focused on facets of archival accessioning, including labor, relationships, and the development of national best practices.
Athena Jackson began her role as dean of libraries and Elizabeth D. Rockwell Chair at the University of Houston on February 15, 2021. She was most recently the director of Library Special Collections at the University of California, Los Angeles. Jackson has broad experience empowering teams and individuals to engage in contemporary access, authentic inclusion, and transformative learning opportunities and has a passion for working with faculty, staff, students, donors, researchers, and communities.
Meaghan O’Riordan is the accessioning archivist for the Stuart A. Rose Manuscript, Archives and Rare Book Library at Emory University. She earned her MLS from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and also holds a master's degree in Theological Studies from the Candler School of Theology at Emory University. She is currently on the steering committee for SAA’s Accessioning, Acquisitions and Appraisal Section and co-chair of SAA’s National Best Practices for Archival Accessioning Working Group.
Ricky Punzalan, associate professor and steering committee member of the Museum Studies Program at the University of Michigan, is a scholar of archives and digital curation. In particular, he studies the access and use of digitized anthropological archives and ethnographic data on academic and Indigenous researchers. He is currently a research associate at the Smithsonian’s National Anthropological Archives and serves on the Council of the Society of American Archivists.
Kathleen D. Roe is a graduate of Michigan State University (MA history) and Wayne State University (MLS in library science/archival administration). She recently retired from the New York State Archives as director of Archives and Records Management. As president of the Society of American Archivists (2014–2015) she emphasized the importance of archival advocacy through “The Year of Living Dangerously for Archives” initiative. A Fellow of SAA, Roe has written and taught on a range of archival issues, including advocacy and awareness as well as arrangement and description.
Chela Scott Weber is a senior program officer with the OCLC Research Library Partnership, where she focuses on work supporting archives, special, and distinctive collections in research libraries. Prior to coming to OCLC, she held a variety of leadership positions in academic and cultural heritage libraries and archives including California Historical Society, Brooklyn Historical Society, and NYU, where she also taught archival description in NYU's Archives and Public History MA program. She has written extensively on collection stewardship and administration in archives and special collections.
Stacie Williams is the division chief of Archives and Special Collections at the Chicago Public Library. She has worked in archives or special collections at Harvard University, Lexington Public Library, and the University of Kentucky. She is currently SAA's Publications Editor and chair of the Publications Board (2020–2023). Her published work has appeared in SAA’s journal American Archivist, Journal of Critical Library and Information Studies, LitHub, New York Magazine, and The Rumpus.