Committing to Change: Call for SAA Leader Self-Nominations

Helen Wong Smith, SAA Vice-President/President-Elect

Aloha! Margaret Mead is credited with saying “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” We have seen this manifest itself both within and outside SAA, regardless of the number of years someone has served in the Society and society.

Learn How to Publish with SAA!

"Write Away" Forum on Publishing Opportunities in SAA
Thursday, November 17, 2022, 12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. CT

Wondering what it takes to write a research article? Draft a book proposal? Prepare a case study on archival practice? Review a professional resource? Define terminology in the archival lexicon?

SAA Foundation Awards Two Disaster Recovery Grants to Kentucky Repositories

September 30, 2022—The Society of American Archivists Foundation has recently awarded two disaster recovery grants to institutions recovering from the floods in Kentucky this summer.

The Museum of Mountain Dulcimer and Appalachian School of Luthiery was awarded $5,000 to aid in the restoration of repository functionality and clean-up of artifacts and records significantly damaged by the flash flood.

Full Committee Hearing Set for AOTUS Nominee

Updated on February 27, 2023

The Full Committee Hearing for the nomination of Dr. Colleen J. Shogan as the next Archivist of the United States will take place tomorrow, February 28, at 10:00 a.m. ET. Watch the hearing live here.

Congratulations to SAA's 2022 Appointees!

September 14, 2022—After receiving an overwhelming response to this year’s call for volunteers, SAA Vice President/President-Elect Terry Baxter is pleased to announce the following appointments to SAA groups.

Read the A*CENSUS II: All Archivists Survey Report

August 22, 2022—SAA and Ithaka S+R have published a report on the findings of the A*CENSUS II: All Archivists Survey. Launched in October 2021, this was the first national survey in 17 years designed to gather information about the demographics, education levels, job placement, salaries, and

SAA Mentoring Program Thanks This Year's Mentors

As archivists prepare to gather for ARCHIVES*RECORDS 2022, the Mentoring Program Subcommittee would like to express a special round of thanks to all SAA members who served as mentors this past year, sharing their expertise and uplifting colleagues. The 100+ members who served as mentors in 2021–2022 include:

SAA Welcomes Nomination of Dr. Colleen J. Shogan As Next AOTUS

August 16, 2022—The Society of American Archivists welcomes the nomination of Dr. Colleen J. Shogan as the next Archivist of the United States at the National Archives and Records Administration. 

The membership of the Society of American Archivists looks to a leader who will defend the mission of the agency, which “drives openness, cultivates public participation, and strengthens our nation's democracy through public access to high-value government records.”