SAA Foundation Awards Four Strategic Growth Grants

May 15, 2020—The SAA Foundation has announced the awarding of four Strategic Growth grants totaling $19,500 in the 2019-2020 grant cycle:

  • To the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University, to undertake a comprehensive research project to examine archival accessioning labor profiles throughout the U.S., including administering a survey, conducting site visits, and developing an open-access dataset;
  • To the Quenepón Restoration Project Team, to revive, web restore, and create a viable digital preservation strategy for El cuarto del quenepón to honor its legacy and continuing influence in the Puerto Rico arts community;
  • To the SAA Education Department to develop the next level of professional development coursework for archives managers, focusing on DEI skills and competencies; and
  • To Sixty Inches From Center, a Chicago-based nonprofit organization, to publish a series of multi-media articles and produce a live discussion series that brings archival best practices to an audience of cultural workers, artists, writers, curators, grantmakers, street scholars, and community archivists.

For more about the Foundation’s grant program, including guidelines and deadlines, click here.

1 Comment(s) to the "SAA Foundation Awards Four Strategic Growth Grants"
Kath says:
Create a live discussion

Create a live discussion series that educates community archivists, artists, authors, curators, grantmakers, and cultural workers about archival best practices. 

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