New Issue of The American Archivist Available Now!

The new issue of The American Archivist (Spring/Summer 2014) makes a splash with eight probing research articles addressing a variety of topics. In “Who’s Ready to Surf the Next Wave? A Study of Perceived Challenges to Implementing New and Revised Standards for Archival Description,” Karen Gracy and Frank Lambert detail their work to determine archivists’ familiarity with standards and their readiness to adapt workflows and systems to the recent changes in standards. Also featured is Alex Poole’s Theodore Calvin Pease Award-winning article for 2013, “The Strange Career of Jim Crow Archives: Race, Space, and History in the Mid-Twentieth-Century American South,” which explores social justice and how archivists handled their responsibilities in a difficult political landscape. Check out these fascinating articles and more online! (The print edition will be mailed to members soon.)