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SAA Conference in Washington, D.C.
Wednesday, August 15, 2018
Location: Capitol Visitor's Center (CVC), Congressional Meeting Room South
8:30-9:10 am: Early Bird Breakfast
CVC opens at 8:30 am, fresh coffee and tea at 8:45 am.
Please allow time to go through security.
9:10-9:15 am: Welcome by CPS Chair
Debbie Davendonis
9:15-10:30 am: Session One
Ending the Silent Treatment: Towards More Inclusive Congressional Archives
The CPS Diversity Taskforce panel is loosely themed around archival silences - empty spaces in political, governmental, and congressional archival records and/or practices - in the context of listening to and encouraging with traditionally under-represented communities. Panelists will interrogate traditional narratives that are deployed through instruction, exhibits, and description, particularly focusing on notions of (mis/under)representation, democratic governance, and objectivity/bias. To that end, we ask: Why is it important to expose these archival silences in the congressional archival records? And how can the congressional papers community begin to unpack these narratives?
10:30-10:45 am: Break
10:45 am - 12:00 pm: Session Two
Building a Community to Preserve and Access Constitutent Services Data (Sponsored by the Electronic Records Taskforce)
Do you have CSS data in your collections? Are you not sure what to do with it? Come hear from congressional staffers who will help to demystify the constituent services system and data. Learn about what repositories and taskforces are doing to make this data accessible and join the conversation about next steps as we build a community to preserve and access this data.
Moderator: Hope Grebner, Drake University
12:00-12:15 pm: Break
12:15-1:30 pm: Session Three
Going to Washington: Insider Perspectives on Advocacy for Congressional Papers
1:30-4:30 pm: CPSers take DC or Capitol Tour*
4:30-5:30 pm: Reports from the Field*
Hawk 'n' Dove, 329 Pennsylvania Ave SE, Washington DC 20003
*Advanced Registration Required