Section Elections

Election season is now here and the Archival History Section (AHS) is seeking candidates for four open positions:


·          Section vice chair/chair-elect

·         Three steering committee members

The vice chair/chair-elect serves for two years (one year as vice chair, and one year as chair). Steering committee members serve for one year. For more details, please see the section’s standing rules (


Nominees must be current members of the Society of American Archivists to be considered for election.

A passion for archival history is one quality sought in nominations.

You may nominate a colleague or self-nominate. To nominate a colleague for either of these positions, please prepare a brief statement of their qualifications (1 paragraph). Candidates nominated by someone else will be given an opportunity to accept or decline the nomination.

To self-nominate for either of these positions, please submit a brief (1 paragraph) statement of interest.

All nominations should be sent to Outgoing AHS Chair, Sebastian Modrow at


Nominations will be accepted through May 26, 2020 but are encouraged before then.