Smithsonian Institution National Portrait Gallery, Center for Electronic Research and Outreach Services

Address:  Victor Building
750 9th St., NW, Concourse Level, C700
Washington, DC 20001

When:  August 10, 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Details:  Open House; 50 people per group; pre-registration not required

About:  The Center for Electronic Research and Outreach Services (CEROS) comprises reference and online programs for the Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery (NPG). Services available for the public include the NPG Collections Information System, the Catalog of American Portraits (CAP), an archives documenting nearly 200,000 portraits in the United States and abroad, and the NPG website collection search program for NPG/CAP collections. A variety of portrait archival materials and photographs will be on display. 

Contact:  Linda Thrift,