Call for Member Comment: Best Practices for Internships as a Component of Archival Education

Internships play a unique role in the archival profession, with many graduate archives programs requiring them as a component for a degree. Due to the importance internships play in the development of so many SAA members and the profession, providing a "Best Practices" document with guidelines for interns, faculty supervisors, and intern supervisors is well advised. While this document does not deal with every eventuality, the hope is that it provides guidance for interns, faculty advisers, and intern supervisors.

After circulating this document among the Archives Management Roundtable, Archival Educators Roundtable, College and University Archives Section, and Students and New Professionals Roundtable (SNAP), the authors (SAA Council members Huth, Kaplan, Mangiafico, and Zanish-Belcher) now seek comment from all SAA members. Once final revisions are completed by the end of November, the document will be forwarded to the SAA Standards Committee for final review prior to being reviewed by the SAA Council at its January meeting. Comment publicly here, or email by Friday, November 22.