Veronica Denison Candidate Page

Veronica Denison

Archivist, University of Alaska Anchorage Archives and Special Collections, Anchorage, Alaska

Education: MLIS, Simmons College, 2013; BA, Archaeology and Culture of the Ancient Near East, Religion, Lycoming College, 2011.

Work Experience: September 2013-present, Archivist, University of Alaska Anchorage Archives and Special Collections, Anchorage, Alaska.

Relevant Professional Activities: SAA member since 2012; Northwest Archivists member since 2013. 

Relevant Presentations: 2015 Alaska Library Association Conference session: “Bringing the Unique into the Classroom: Incorporating Archival Materials into Library Instruction.” 2015 archival instruction session: “Introduction to Archives, Archival Research, and Metadata,” also includes a semester long metadata and research project with Anthropology students. 2014 Cook Inlet Historical Society Lecture Series, co-presenter: “Archives of the 1964 Alaska Earthquake.” 2013-2015: several archival instruction sessions introducing students and the public to archives and primary sources.  

I welcome the opportunity to be a member of the RAO leadership team, to share my ideas and to learn from others. As an archivist at the University of Alaska Anchorage Archives and Special Collections I teach classes on archival research and instruction, connecting students and the public to primary source material. I enjoy developing new ideas with professors and other archivists on different ways to bring archival material into the classroom. I provide reference services to students, faculty, staff, and the public, and believe that reference can be used as a form of outreach. I am passionate about collecting, preserving, and making accessible archival materials to all kinds of researchers, as well as educating and speaking with the public about archives. I believe RAO is an innovative platform for archivists to share and develop new ideas and I would be honored to be a bigger part of it.




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