Public Library Archives/Special Collections Section

"Children in swimming pool, recreational or amusement area, Hartford." Photographer unknown, City Parks Collection, Hartford History Center, Hartford Public Library.

News & Announcements

WAS & PLASC Virtual Joint Annual Section Meeting – Web Archiving Section and Public Library Archives & Special Collections Wednesday, July 17, 2024 1-2:30pm CT (11am-12:30pm PT / 12-1:30pm MT / 2-3:30pm ET)
2024-2025 Public Library Archives and Special Collections (PLASC) Section election and referendum on revisions to Section standing rules
The SAA Public Library Archives and Special Collections Section seeks members to serve in leadership positions for the next fiscal year, 2024-2025! Getting involved in PLASC leadership is a great way to engage in professional development and public service, and connect with colleagues throughout the United States.
We invite you to participate as a guest author in our section’s blog series on the memory lab experience from the perspective of those operating a “lab” and maintaining a DIY digitization program for the public.
Learn about Steering Committee candidate for Vice Chair/Chair Elect
2023 Section Meeting recording available here:
Register to attend our virtual section meeting
Learn about Steering Committee candidates
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