Agenda and Minutes September 2018

Agenda with minutes

College & University Archives Section Steering Committee meeting

Sept 6, 2018 3-4 PM EDT


Met by WebEx (thanks, Christina and Elvia!):




Attending? (Y/N)

Elvia Arroyo-Ramirez


Greg Bailey


Ellen Engseth


Christy Fic


Rebecca Goldman

Y (leaving at 3:30)

Lae'l Hughes-Watkins


Tracy Jackson


Benn Joseph


Michelle Sweetser


Christina Zamon




 Petrina Jackson, Council liaison, joined us as well.


Introductions (all)


Old Business:


  1. Review section meeting at SAA (all). Agreed it was a good meeting! Thanks again to Rebecca as Chair, and to all the notetakers etc. The document created during the section meeting will be shared to membership by RG.


EE also reminded we have funding that we can apply for this year; two rounds with due dates Dec 1 and March 1.


  1. 2017-2018 Annual Report (Rebecca)
    1. Submitted!


  1. Updates on Student worker theme projects - A smaller group will meet on this.

      Bibliography (Christina and Christy) - no update.

      Literature (Tracy and Michelle) - will be connecting this month and proceeding.


New Business:


1.Meeting Schedule (all)

Per poll, the preferred time for future meetings is Mondays, 1 - 2 pm Eastern time.


2. Council Update (Petrina): Native American Protocols have been passed. Task Force will be formed on guidelines for vendors (SAA does not yet have one). And, we as Steering Committee should feel free to contact Petrina directly for conversation about what is going on, should we have any questions about an issue or something timely.


3. Ideas for next year’s theme? (all)

-Connect to Native American Archives Protocol?

-Petrina shares the Committee on Education is looking at workshops - our Section might consider offering workshops due to our wide expertises, to offer wider skills and next voices and new perspectives. There are lots of opportunities. Remember teachers gets paid. Elvia reminds us about the talents of newer colleagues too. We see there is need for soft skills ones, (leadership, inclusion, management), donor relations, collection development (the full cycle of strategy through to execution, the full landscape). Re. workshop models, could we offer shorter / webinars towards the same goals and on C&Us? Would this meet needs? Would this be useful to our members? Shall we come up with a list of our areas of expertise, that members could request webinars on? How else can we offer education and meet members’ needs in fresh ways?


Discussion to continue this fall.


Academic Archivist blog and Campus Case Studies update: Check for possible future email messages.


Other?: none


--Edited by Ellen Engseth for SAA section website