Message from the Chair, Winter 2012

Message from the Chair

Holiday Greetings!


This is my first opportunity to greet you all as Chair of the Business Archives Section.  It is an honor and privilege to be your Chair.

We had an excellent Business Archives Colloquium this year with 64 attendees.   For the first time in recent years we tried a “World Café” style event that involved the discussion of three dynamic topics.  Feedback to the Colloquium overall has been positive, and I want to thank the attendees who filled out the survey we sent them; your feedback, both good and bad, will really help us make future colloquiums better.  

We are working on getting the key takeaways from the Colloquium out to the membership. The process of converting the handwritten points from each session into a understandable format was more of a challenge than we had anticipated, but I am hopeful we will have something to the membership by the end of the year.

I want to take a moment to welcome the newest members of the Business Archives Section Steering Committee: Steve Hausfeld - Co-Chair, Sue Topp – Secretary, Eric Chin – Vice Content Editor, & Nicole Thaxton – Member at Large.  They have already hit the ground running and will work very hard for the section. 

I also want to thank our wonderful colleagues who have ended their service on the Steering Committee: Jeff Pirtle – Past Chair, Greg McCoy – Secretary, Rochelle McCune - Content Editor, & Jennifer Johnson – Member at Large.  You all did a great job and we thank you for your service to the section!

I want to wish you all a wonderful holiday season and great 2013!


Scott D. Grimwood
Corporate Manager of Archives
SSM Health Care

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