2022 Archives Management Section’s annual business meeting minutes


2022 Archives Management Section’s annual business meeting minutes

Virtual via Zoom, July 26, 2022


Mott Linn, CA, Section Chair, opened the meeting by welcoming the attendees and told them that the meeting was being recorded: 



He suggested that they also attend this year’s Business Archives Section’s colloquium on August 9th because it will focus on numerous aspects of managing an archives.  Also, at the SAA Annual Meeting on August 25th there will be a session about managing remote work in archives.


Reminder: think of ideas for management-related session for next year’s SAA Annual Meeting.  The period for proposing sessions will be coming up in a few months.


The section election ends today.  Thanks to those willing to be nominated.  Because so few people are willing to run, please consider running next year.


The professional development part of the meeting was called: Show me the money: Raising money for your archives from the licensing of archival materials.  The three papers were:

Mott Linn, CA: Take the money and run: An overview of the licensing of archival materials

Gerald Chaudron, CA: “More bang for their buck”: Photograph licensing, user management and collection development

Alan Munshower, CA: From Repository to Silver Screen: Building a Moving Image Licensing Practice


Mott Linn, CA closed the meeting with thanks to the steering committee for their help during the past year.



First Name         Last Name

Kiera     Sullivan

Jennifer Johnson

beth      dodd

Savanna Puterbaugh

Emily    Reiher

Hilary    Swett

James   Emerson

Aida      Cuevas

Tamar   Zeffren

Hilary    Streifer

Carrie    Schwier

Angelique Richardson

Rana     Salzmann

Alison   Anderson

Stephen Logsdon

Heather Gideon

Tim       Mottaz

Stephanie          Branas

Deirdre Joyce

Julia      Larson

Tanya    Taylor-Norwood

Michelle             Pollock

Kimberly            Duncan

Derek    Mosley

Chrystal Carpenter

Lisa        Mix

Jackie    Dean

Dawn    Schmitz

Karen    Paul

Lauren  LeDesma

Deborah Richards

Tricia     Gilson

Amber  Thiele

Patricia Walker

Brian     Wilson

Hilary    Severyn


Joy        Rodowicz

Nicole   Casper

Meghan Turney

Steve    Duckworth

Natalie  Johnson Pearmain

Katie     Rojas

Cindy    Schuelke

Mary     Pedraza

Caragh  Koon

Derek    Webb

Ashley  Todd-Diaz

Erin       Grady

Carrie    Daniels

Sarah    Ferguson

william modrow

Madeleine Thompson

Teresa  Pritchett

Leslie    McRoberts

Ann       Case

Cara      Howe

Kate      Palm

Dawn    Schmitz

Suzanne             Reller

Matthew            Peek

Heather              Kushnerick

Grace    Eng

Miriam Nelson

Robert  McInnes

Robert  Danielson

Tamar   Chute

anita     heard

Stephanie          Satalino

Kristen  Nyitray

Jenifer  Monger

Bradley Wiles

Toni      Vanden Bos

Sara       Davis

Rayna   Andrews

Linda     Hocking

Jenny    Huffman

Dean     DeBolt

B. Lynn Whitfield

Jaymie  Pierce

Tesa      Burns

Anne Marie       Hamilton-Brehm

Rebecca             Becker

Melanie Gydesen

Jennifer Henderson

David    Ameyaw

Pat        Smith

Suzi       Taylor

Julie      Snyder

Kristell  Benson

Katie     Mascari

Letha    Johnson

Amy      Mondt

Hanz     Olson

Sheon   Montgomery

Joy        Novak

Jenny    Robb

Kimberly Peach

Emily    Pastore

Chris     Ervin

Olivia    Wong

Jennifer              Shelly

Freya    Anderson

caitlin   stamm

Hollis    Wittman

Malia    Van Heukelem

Kimberly            Anderson

Claire    Jenkins

Mary     Dwan

Rebecca             Pou


Courtney            Lynch

Aaron   Ramirez

Sarah    Ganderup

Gerald  Chaudron

Marta   Fodor

Sarah    Polirer

Elizabeth            W.

Alexandra          Smith

Matt     Testa

Emelie  Rubin

Peter     Schmid

Michelle Schierburg

Bree'ya Brown

Gina      Nichols

Debbie Whalen

Nancy   Enneking

Alan      Munshower

Andrew              Russell

Lisa        Read

Shoshana           Traum

Beatrice thornton

rebecca pou

Mott     Linn

Lynn      Eaton

Erin       Passehl Stoddart

Christina            Zamon