2021-05-06 Steering Committee Meeting Minutes


Agenda and Minutes 

May 5, 2021 




April Feldman (Communications Manager) 

Allison Fischbach (Student Member) 

Ryder Kouba (Education Coordinator)

Tori Maches (Chair)

Kiera Sullivan (Secretary)

Melissa Wertheimer (Vice-Chair)


Agenda items:


ABlog reminders: Kiera will submit to April by 6/14; Tori will submit to April by 7/19.

1. April indicated that May’s blog post will be about student groups by Shannon Walker (coffee chat attendee).

B. Melissa giving a workshop tomorrow about web archives curation to the International Internet Preservation Consortium (IIPC). She will find out if it is something we can advertise to our members.


Old/Continuing Business

A. Update on onboarding documentation and section elections (Tori)

1. Tori has created a draft document which overviews what she did last year and lessons learned.

B. Section elections (Tori)

1. Slate/ballot info due by June 1. We need to develop a call for nominees: Student Member, Communications Manager, Vice Chair to be elected. We will use a Google Form again like last year.

2. We can reach out to people if we think of possible nominees. Melissa will mention it to the librarian in residence on the LC web archiving team. Allison will put a call out for student members to her MLIS program.

3. Melissa brought up the idea to make all positions except for Student Member 2 years. Tori said the deadline to change the standing rules passed. She noted that current members can run for re-election.

4. Tori suggested that we send our call for nominees out by May 10 and a reminder on May 24. 

5. Action: Tori will send the call out on May 10. We will use the language from last year.

6. The Google form results will go to Tori’s email and be available on the backend of the form. The form will be in the section Google Drive folder.

7. Melissa asked what records we need to turn over to SAA.Tori informed us that just the annual report is required. We do provide the candidate slate, which is the list of nominations/nomination materials.

C. Coffee chat preparation - Creating an event of some kind (with reminder). Posting to the discussion lists.Registration and password required.

1. The chat is scheduled for May 19, 6 PM Eastern - Lydia Tang co-hosting

2. Ryder noted how helpful reminder emails are when registered for an event. He further noted that there are ways to register with Zoom, Google Events, etc.

a. Tori volunteered to host it via her UCSD Zoom account.

b. We found instructions online for how to set up registration for a Zoom meeting. Melissa also stated the importance of requiring a password and utilizing a waiting room.

c. Action: Tori will set up the meeting by May 6.

d. Action: Kiera will add the meeting info to the coffee chat language and post it to discussion lists: WAS, General. Kiera will also reach out to Lydia to ask her to post it on ADS. All by May 6.

e. Melissa raised the concern over flooding people with emails. Maybe we should send this one tomorrow, and send the election one on Monday? Gives us a good amount of time to send out a reminder email. The group agreed.

D. Section priorities, activities, and initiatives for the coming year

1. This was really to help us decide on if we wanted to change the Standing Rules or not; we decided not to do that this year.

2. However, Tori noted that some of our section priorities can be incorporated into the call for nominations email + Google form. Allison noted that this would give people a better idea of the kinds of activities they may be taking part in when they get involved.

3. Melissa suggested that coffee chats be held once a quarter.

4. Tori suggested we keep this as a running document to be able to refer to and build our plans for the year.


Meeting adjourned at 3:40pm (Pacific).