2021-03-03 Steering Committee Meeting Minutes

Agenda and Minutes

March 3, 2021



April Feldman (Communications Manager)

Allison Fischbach (Student Member)

Tori Maches (Chair)

Kiera Sullivan (Secretary)

Melissa Wertheimer (Vice-Chair)

Ryder Kouba (Education Coordinator)


Agenda items:

I. News/Questions/Announcements

A. Melissa did some section outreach on the Archivist Thinktank Facebook group!

B. Tori followed up with Elizabeth from the Metadata section. We will participate in a joint session for 2022.

II. Old/Continuing Business

A. Coffee chat debrief - how we feel it went, ideas for another one

1. Attendees seemed to enjoy it. April reached out to a participant who will be contributing to our blog! Tori and Ryder noted the importance of varied perspectives, which will be included in this blog post.

2. For discussion of a future coffee chat, the group agreed to pick a topic from the election survey comments. See the New Business section of these minutes.

B. Call with Jillian Lohndorf (Archive-It)

1. Melissa questioned if we needed to have this call, considering the information that Jefferson provided at the coffee chat.

2. Tori suggested scheduling a call farther out, once we have more contributions. It would be a call focused on description.

3. Action: Tori will follow up with Jillian to let her know we will arrange a call farther out in the future.

III. New Business

A. Future coffee chat co-hosted with the Accessibility & Disability Section

1. The group agreed to pursue partnering with the A&D Section, considering that our membership wanted us to address how people with disabilities could be more involved with Web Archiving.

2. Melissa, Allison, Tori, and Ryder shared some experiences with accessible web design, screen readers, and the WAVE tool. Ryder and Tori shared info on YouTube Downloader for capturing content, and using a command line switch to capture closed captions.

3. Several links were shared by members:

a. April shared Disclose This! recording, UK gov’t accessibility posters, Universal Design Center’s accessibility and universal design slides and tool evaluations.

b. Allison shared a link to the Archives 2020 A&D section’s virtual annual meeting session page.

4. The group agreed that May/June would be a good time to have the next coffee chat. The group further agreed on having several conversation starters ready to help ease anxieties and avoid stretches of silence.

5. Action: Kiera will draft an invitation to co-host a coffee chat sometime in May/June.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:32pm (EST).