2019-05-20 Steering Committee Meeting Minutes

Agenda and Minutes

May 20, 2019


  1. Alexis Antracoli
  2. Julia Corrin
  3. Kelsey O’Connell
  4. Emily Ward


  1. Elisa Landaverde
  2. Louise LoBello

I. Annual Meeting Update

A. Debate Panel planning

1. Kelsey, Alexis, and Elisa have been meeting and corresponding with two other members from the MDOS steering committee to organize the debate for the annual meeting

2. The Planning group decided to nominate individuals first for the panel rather than solicit self-nominations

3. Three panelists have agreed to participate in the panel: Sumitra Duncan, Jane Kelly, and Greg Wiedeman

4. We are reaching out to a potential 4th panelist right now to see if they will agree to participate. If not, it is likely the Planning team will move ahead with only 3 panelists instead of 4

5. The moderators for the panel will be one member from each steering committee: Julia Corrin (WAS) and Carolyn Runyon (MDOS)

6. Once the panelists are confirmed (likely at the end of May) then there will be a joint meeting set up between the panelists and the moderators to begin preparing for the debate at the joint Section meeting

7. ACTION: All - If you have any other questions, concerns, or suggestions about the debate, please let Alexis, Kelsey, and/or Elisa know so they can discuss with the rest of the MDOS members of the Planning team

B. Section Business Portion

1. Alexis noted that typically the business portion of the meeting is an announcement of the new members elected to the Steering Committee

2. Emily reminded that she will not be able to attend SAA Annual this year (getting married instead; congrats!)

3. Therefore, one of the two other members whose terms are not ending (Julia or Kelsey) can read the new committee members’ names

4. Kelsey will read announcements as Julia will be moderating the debate panel

C. Content of meeting

1. Introductions - Alexis

2. Announcement of new members elected to the Steering Committee - Kelsey

3. Debate panel introductions - Julia

II. Communications Update

A. See “Announcements” portion of minutes to see Elisa’s web archiving round-up for the month

B. Louise noted via email that she will send out tweets about the round-up

III. Elections

A. Emily compiled draft text for the call for nominations (see below) and questioned whether there were any questions/concerns/suggestions

B. Emily noted that she changed the nominations to a Google Form rather than having submissions emailed to her

C. Emily also noted that there should be a reminder that nominees have to be a member of WAS to be put on ballot and only WAS members will be able to cast votes

D. Emily questioned whether she or someone else should be sending out the call for nominations and Alexis confirmed that Emily should be the one to do so

E. Alexis also noted that she had to solicit nominations personally last year so we can feel free to send the nomination application form out individually; Alexis also noted that she can send it to some students she knows about

F. Kelsey questioned whether we should post this call for nominations to the microsite and everyone agreed to do so

G. ACTION: All - let Emily know if there are any concerns/questions/suggestions about the call for nominations

H. ACTION: Kelsey to add call to microsite by the end of day

I. ACTION: Emily to send out call to listserv

J. ACTION: Elisa to add link to call to this month’s round-up

K. Proposed call for nominations:

Greetings all,

The Web Archiving Section is excited to accept nominations for the following Steering Committee positions for the 2019-2020 year! If you or someone you know would like to run for a position on the the Web Archiving Section Steering Committee please fill out this form by May 31, 2019:​

  • Candidate Name
  • Job Title and Institution
  • Headshot (high resolution, optional)
  • Bio and Candidate Statement (1-2 paragraphs)
  • Title of Steering Committee position being sought

Please keep in mind that membership in the Web Archiving Section is required in order to participate in elections through candidacy or in casting a ballot.

Position Descriptions:

Vice-Chair (Chair-Elect): The Vice Chair will serve for two years, in the first year as Chair-elect and in the second year as Chair. The Vice Chair duties are as follows:

    • Gives support to fulfill the duties and responsibilities of the Chair as assigned.
    • Operates as acting Chair in the absence of the Chair.
    • Serves as member of the Steering Committee.
    • Fulfills all responsibilities specified in Section IX: Sections of the SAA Governance Manual.

Communications Manager: The Communications Manager serves a one-year term.

    • Maintains and updates the section's microsite, external site(s), and social media feeds.
    • Keeps the section's email list recipients informed on section news, events, and regular activities.
    • Serves as a member of the Steering Committee.

Student Member: The Student Member serves a one-year term.

    • Serves as a liaison to SAA student chapters and groups.
    • Serves as a member of the Steering Committee.
    • Must be an actively enrolled student and student member of SAA at the time of election.

To learn more about the Web Archiving Section, check out the Web Archiving Section microsite and the Web Archiving Section Monthly Roundup.

IV. Announcements

A. Microsite update (KO)

1. Kelsey noted that the new SAA content management system transfer removed the visibility of the steering committee’s roster from its homepage during the system transfer

2. Kelsey added a new Page to the microsite with this year’s Steering Committee members’ names under the Governance portion of the page (https://www2.archivists.org/groups/web-archiving-section/2018-2019-steering-committee)

3. No concerns or questions were made of this change

4. ACTION: All - if you have any questions/concerns/suggestions about the microsite, please let Kelsey know

B. May Roundup (Elisa will publish after 5pm today)

1. Registration for the IIPC Web Archiving Conference ends May 24. The conference will be hosted by the National and University Library of Croatia in Zagreb, which coincides with the 15h anniversary of the Croatian Web Archive (HAW).

2. For members of the Digital Preservation Coalition, the DPC Web Archiving & Preservation Task Force is inviting delegates to a meeting on July 18, in London. The meeting is free for DPC members, registration ends July 10.

3. IIPC Content Development Group is asking for contributions to their Climate Change Collection, and their Artificial Intelligence Collection.

4. Ben Els, Digital Curator at the National Library of Luxembourg, gives us a glimpse not the effort to capture the Luxembourg elections.

5. Seth Denbo, Director of Scholarly Communication and Digital Initiatives at the American Historical Association, strikes a cord on the challenges of scale in an article titled Data Overload.

6. The Atlantic has an article on the implication of AI vacuum cleaners from tech companies.

7. You can now read the paper presented at the 2018 World Library and Information Congress by the Library of Congress, the paper is titled Institutions as Social Media Collector: Lessons Learned from the Library of Congress.

8. The National Library of the Netherlands has recently launched a collection of archived websites from the Chinese Community in the Netherlands.

9. ECAL (École cantonale d'art de Lausanne) has launched a website called Information Mesh celebrating the 30th anniversary of the World Wide Web.

10. NEW: Now accepting nominations for the SAA Web Archiving Section’s 2019-2020 Steering Committee: https://www2.archivists.org/groups/web-archiving-section/now-accepting-2019-2020-steering-committee-nominations