2019-03-18 Steering Committee Meeting Minutes

Agenda and Minutes

March 18, 2019


  1. Alexis Antracoli
  2. Julia Corrin
  3. Elisa Landaverde
  4. Louise LoBello
  5. Kelsey O’Connell
  6. Emily Ward

I. Annual Meeting Update

A. Alexis worked with the Metadata and Digital Object Section (MDOS) to finalize decision to combine ERS and MDOS section meetings at SAA in Austin this year; Alexis shared Kelsey’s proposals about the debate format

B. Blake Graham (MDOS Chair) put in SAA proposal for both sections

C. Next steps likely are to recruit participants for debate

D. WAS Steering Committee members attending SAA this year: Elisa, Julia, Alexis, and Kelsey

E. ACTION (Alexis): Alexis will reach out to Blake and verify next steps for joint meeting, get copy of the submitted proposal, and send a copy of the proposal to WAS steering committee members

II. Education Updates

A. Webinars (Julia)

1. No updates; hopes to schedule the webinars next month

III. Communications Update

A. Twitter (Louise)

1. about 35 new followers

2. Overall the platform is going well; when webinars and round-up are ready, they will be shared

B. Round-Up (Elisa)

1. This month’s round-up proposals:

a) March roundup

b) Registration for Archivematica Camp in Vancouver, June 24-26, is still open.

c) Early bird registration for IIPC Web Archiving Conference is now open. You can also take a look at the program.

d) The International Journal of Digital Humanities has an article on web archiving initiatives in Europe. The article is titled Web Archives as Data Resource for Digital Scholars.

e) The Ivy Plus Libraries Confederation have launched the 2018 Brazilian Presidential Transition Web Archive.

f) Library of Congress Web Archives blog post from Jesse Johnston, Senior Digital Collections Specialist at LOC, gives a walkthrough into sorting through a set of US Government PDFs.

g) Celebrate the 30th anniversary of the world wide web exploring internet archives through emulated legacy browsers with Rhizome!

h) Another fun article to celebrate the web’s 30th anniversary looking at Australia’s ugly 90’s websites.

i) The National Library of Ireland recently announced their 2018 Web Archiving collection.

2. Elisa questioned whether we want the Round-Up posted at the end of the month (as is traditional) or post it now

3. Ubiquitous: agreement to post the Round-Up now

4. ACTION (Elisa): Elisa will post March’s Round-Up now

IV. Announcements

A. Elections Coming Soon!

1. The yearly Section elections are typically run by Vice Chair (Emily)

2. Felicia Owens will reach out to us (likely in May) to put together the ballot

3. Alexis is mentioning this news now as she had to recruit heavily last year; we may want to begin recruiting now

4. ACTION (all/any): Let Emily know if your term is ending and you would like to run for a second term

5. Positions up for elections: Vice Chair, Communications Coordinator, Student Member

6. Alexis will also work on and send any recruitment recommendations to Emily

B. What were the proposed debate topics for the SAA joint meeting?

1. Kelsey’s original proposals:

a) Each web archives’ seed should/should not have a full descriptions at item-level.

b) Defend your metadata standard of choice for describing web archives (Dublin Core, VRA, local, etc.)

c) The OCLC’s Descriptive Metadata for Web Archiving does/does not provide sufficient descriptive practices and standards for web archiving.

d) We should/should not standardize descriptive accessioning practices for web archives

2. MDOS asked that we keep the debate topic open for now; there was concern about requiring panelists to take a strong Pro/Con position on any of these topics

3. Kelsey communicated that the original idea was to make the debate panelists take a strong position on the topics regardless of personal/professional convictions in order to potentially make the debate interactive, entertaining, etc.

4. Emily asked if we could get a copy of the proposal sent to SAA

5. ACTION (Alexis): Alexis will receive a copy of the proposal when she speaks with Blake and share with the WAS Steering Committee

C. ERS Survey on bloggERS!

1. Kelsey announced that the Electronic Records Section is currently seeking participation in a survey about archivists’ uses of resources in any area of electronic records work; she asked if WAS Steering Committee approves of sharing this survey via WAS platforms as well

2. There was no objections to sharing ERS’ survey through WAS platforms; Elisa proposed that she can add it to this month’s Round-Up

3. ACTION (Kelsey): Kelsey will send a link for the survey to Elisa for inclusion in the Round-Up