2018-09-18 Steering Committee Meeting Minutes

Agenda and Minutes

September 17, 2018

I. Introductions

A. Attendees:

1. Alexis Antracoli (Chair) 

2. Emily Ward (Vice Chair)

3. Julia Corrin (Education Coordinator)

4. Elisa Landaverde (Communications Coordinator)

5. Kelsey O’Connell (Secretary)

6. Louise LoBello (Student Steering Committee Member)

II. Old Business

A. Continuing Web Archiving Roundup

1. https://webarchivingrt.wordpress.com/ 

2. Alexis posed question of whether this should be continued this year; cited positive responses from section members survey

a) All in favor of continuing the Web Archiving Roundup

3. Alexis will share access to survey results re: Web Archiving Roundup

4. Alexis will contact Sam Abrams (former Communications/Social Media Chair) about her workflow for posting to the Roundup

a) Question was posed whether Sam curated the content or a bot crawled web archiving news automatically

5. Elisa will act as point person for Roundup

a) Monthly posts

b) First will begin mid-October

III. New Business

A. Project STAND collaboration https://standarchives.com/ 

1. Lae’l Hughes-Watkins presented at SAA about Project STAND and is looking to collaborate with Web Archiving Section

2. Alexis posed question whether we are interested in the collaboration

3. Kelsey also mentioned the Sunlight Foundation (https://sunlightfoundation.com/) representatives at SAA Section Meeting who are looking to collaborate with archivists

4. All agreed we are interested to hear more about how the Section Committee and these groups might collaborate; 

a) Alexis will reach out to Lae’l and Sunlight Foundation to begin the conversation and report back to Committee (Kelsey will share Sunlight Foundation’s contact information with Alexis)

B. Education Programming

1. Alexis said we can begin thinking of education programming for the year and asked for ideas

2. Historically Section has done ~2 educational programs per year

3. Alexis will share survey results of past Section education programming

4. Ideas:

a) [Alexis] Generate a DAS course on web archiving

b) [Emily] Advocacy and awareness of web archives for non-archivists (awareness campaign)

c) [Julia] Collaborating with other SAA Sections for introductory programming on web archiving

(1) e.g., Lone Arrangers Section have expressed needs for free/low cost education

5. Alexis will contact Karl-Rainer Blumenthal to begin conversation about adding a DAS course and report back to Committee

IV. News/Questions/Announcements

A. Information/document sharing

1. Kelsey posed question of how we want to share our meeting minutes, agenda, and/or annual reports with the rest of the Section

2. Emily suggested making our minutes available internally to Committee members

3. Alexis can share previous Committees’ Google Drive folders to access past notes

4. Alexis mentioned other SAA Sections have shared annual notes on their meeting minutes on their microsites

5. Committee agreed to continue using Google Drive for active documents; Kelsey will add inactive documents from other Google Drive folders to the SAA Connect Library for the Web Archiving Section Steering Committee’s site (https://connect.archivists.org/home)

6. Committee agreed to add the Section’s annual reports to the Section’s microsite for public access

7. Questions came up about the Section’s microsite organization (e.g., are the standing rules posted?, etc.); 

a) Alexis noted that the site overall might benefit from an overhaul; 

b) Kelsey will analyze the site’s organization and propose a new arrangement to the Committee during next meeting

B. Section Twitter

1. Question was posed about the Section’s Twitter account and activity

2. Alexis mentioned that the account has historically re-posted other web archives related content

3. Alexis proposed for our Student Steering Committee member to begin managing the account

a) Louise agreed

b) Emily will transfer account details to Louise

C. Future meetings scheduling

1. Future monthly calls were scheduled:

a) Third Mondays of each month at 3:30 EST

2. Alexis noted next meeting will be Monday, October 15

a) Alexis may miss parts/all of this meeting but will coordinate with other Committee members to run the meeting through Zoom as needed