2017-09-05 Steering Committee Meeting Minutes

SAA Web Archiving Section Meeting Minutes

Present: Karl-Rainer Blumenthal, Chair; Alexis Antracoli, Vice Chair / Chair-elect; Becky Schulte, Education Coordinator; Kevin Miller, Web Liaison; Nikki Thomas, Secretary; Sam Abrams, Social Media Manager

  1. Introductions
    1. Alexis, Assistant University Archivist for Technical Services, Princeton University - overview of past web archiving experience and current responsibilities; Vice Chair/ Chair-Elect responsibilities - handling meetings and other responsibilities in absence of Chair
    2. Becky, University Archivist, University of Kansas - overview of past use of web archiving, dating back to 2000 (Wilcox collection) and current responsibilities; Education Coordinator responsibilities - generally webinars
    3. Kevin, University Archivist, UC Davis - overview of past web archiving experience and current responsibilities; previous web liaison cleaned up microsite
    4. Nikki, Archivist for Collection Management, University of North Carolina at Charlotte - overview of past web archiving experience and current responsibilities; Secretary responsibilities: taking notes on calls; calling new meetings (generally monthly)
    5. Sam, Web Resources Collections Librarian, Ivy Plus Libraries - overview of current web archiving responsibilities across consortia; Social Media Manager responsibilities - keeping abreast of news and spreading information about programs
  2. Updates from Karl
    1. Section listserv
      1. open to non-section and non-SAA members
      2. most active part of section activity
      3. generally runs on its own and fairly quiet lately, Karl may attempt to get discussions going again
    2. Blog
      1. slowed down last year, but with hopes to revive this year
      2. have serve as means of communication outside of listserv
      3.  wordpress hosted outside of SAA internal presence / section microsite, so have to connect SAA to RSS feed
      4. Ideas - guest posts, updates, round-ups of trends, redesign, etc.
    3. Webinars
      1. Would love 3, but plan to tackle 1 to start
    4. Section Meetings
      1. Annual @ SAA meeting in DC
        1. Will come up with themes or topics closer to date
      2. Monthly meetings
        1. Recurring meetings - First Tuesday of the month at 2 pm EST (1 pm CST, 12 n MST, 11 am PST)
        2. Can use Archive-it’s Zoom account
          1. Nikki will investigate option through UNC Charlotte - Web-Ex
  3. Logistics/resources
    1. Internal committee email list (webarchiving-cmte) created by SAA
    2. Karl & Alexis on list with other section chairs (also Sam - Karl inquiring)
    3. Shared Google Drive
      1. Karl will send invite
    4. Reminder about SAA microsite ; blog ; Twitter
    5. Reference to previous discussion of Facebook page - an option?
  4. Open discussion
    1. Karl has ideas about some changes to standing rules & provided overview of previous year’s changes
    2. Reorganization of the roster
      1. Communications lead to combine social media manager and web liaison and create new position for student position on Steering Committee
      2. Could be put to membership for discussion and voted on during next year’s election process
      3. Ideas about student position portfolio - open for incoming student and committee to work out
        1. Discussion of how to reach out to students
          1. Archive-it provides free accounts to students and instructors
          2. Examples of LIS programs providing experience with web archiving
    3. Tragedy Response Team - Karl interested in pulling together some resources
      1. Nikki provided an update regarding the progress of the project as how it currently stands through the work of Lisa Callahan; Nikki can serve as liaison between Web Archivist and DSGS sections
    4. Council Liaison - Bergis Jules

Next meeting - October 3, 11 am PST / 2 pm EST

Referenced Group Meeting: