Session 210 Preview: Reaching Out: Building and Managing Satellite Facilities

Session 210 Preview:  Reaching Out: Building and Managing Satellite Facilities

Scott D. Grimwood, SSM Healthcare Corporate Archives

Steven Hausfeld, Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company

Many archives have a home office and one or more satellite archives or offices. But what is the best way to build and manage collections in multiple locations?

In this panel discussion, five archivists from a wide range of collections describe the issues and strategies of working with central and satellite archives and how archivists coordinate work in each location. An archivist for a branch of a state archives will talk about his work in his branch and its relationship to the main archives; a corporate manager of archives will discuss managing collections at different hospitals; a university archivist will discuss providing records management and establishing regional campus archives; an insurance corporate archivist will comment on coordinating exhibits and displays at multiple locations; and the archivist for a regional religious archives will address the issues of coordination and accountability between the regional archives and the church-wide archives.

Please join us Thursday, August 15, 1:30-3 PM in the Grand Salon Section 3/6, Suite A.


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