Candidate Statement for the 2024 Special Election of Secretary of ARCS

ARCS is holding a special election for the vacant position of Secretary of the SAA ARCS Steering Committee. You will be voting for one Secretary, for a two-year term. One candidate has been nominated for the position.

Shoshana Traum | Biography and Candidate Statement: "I'd like to offer to serve as secretary of the steering committee for the Archivists of Religious Collections Section, if I am eligible. I am a recent graduate of Simmons University's School of Library and Information Science, and as yet unemployed, but interested in working with Jewish archives. As a student, I did an oral history project on zemirot, Jewish non-liturgical songs generally sung at the table on the Sabbath. I also have a particular interest in how religious practices and requirements interact with archival ideals of access--men not being allowed to listen to women singing, for instance. While a great deal has been written on similar issues with indigenous archives, little seems to have been done on other minority cultural/religious groups. I am a relatively quick transcriber, which is an advantage for a secretary, and would bring some diversity to the committee, being non-Christian." 

Separately, you have received a link to a Google Forms election ballot, where you may cast your vote for a nominated candidate or write-in candidate.