WCRT Annual Meeting, August 19, 2015, Cleveland, OH

Please join us at the WCRT Meeting in Cleveland!

The Women's Collections Roundtable promotes the preservation and research use of records documenting women and provides a network for archivists working with related collections. Anyone interested in documenting women's history is welcome at the annual business meeting. Attendees are invited to share their successes and challenges in an open discussion about promoting access to women's collections.

Women's Collections Roundtable Meeting
Wednesday, August 19, 2015, 5-7 pm
Cleveland Convention Center, Room 11

We are pleased to announce this year's special presentation...

"G-L-O-R-I-A: the hidden archive of 16 magazine's editor Gloria Stavers"

Gloria Stavers










Anastasia Karel, Archivist at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, will be this year's featured speaker at the Women's Collections Roundtable Meeting. Karel's talk will focus on Gloria Stavers, the editor of 16 Magazine throughout the 1960s and early 1970s. Karel will discuss how she discovered Gloria Stavers while processing a collection that included Stavers' photographs and explore Stavers' tremendous influence on the careers of many popular musicians in the 1960s.