2014-2016 Goals

 Advocacy Subcommittee - Rachel Chatalbash

Relevant goals in three year plan:

a.) Establish formal communication lines for regionals to report local advocacy issues to SAA and to ask for advocacy assistance, including coordination with the Committee on Advocacy and Public Policy (year 2)

b.) Building on the established formal communication lines, address an advocacy issue which has come out of regionals’ awareness by collaborating on an article / blog post or other appropriate written form of advocacy (year 3)

Goals identified at general meeting


  • Establish formal communication lines for regionals to report local advocacy issues to SAA and to ask for advocacy assistance, including coordination with the Committee on Advocacy and Public Policy

  • If time allows, establish a formal procedure for how the regionals can find out about issues on which SAA has released a statement so that the regionals can follow suit if interested. If not, this will be a year 3 goal.


  • Building on the established formal communication lines, address an advocacy issue which has come out of regionals’ awareness by collaborating on an article / blog post or other appropriate written form of advocacy

  • Provide assistance to the I&A Roundtable on the development of their advocacy toolkit, which is currently mostly comprised of documents from the regionals

  • Look at issues that SAA Advocacy likely won’t cover, such as helping regionals stay viable, ways to carry on business without a paid staff, ways to manage the perils of leadership turnover; use these ideas to develop new goals


Committee Members / volunteers:



  • Philip Skroska, Association of St. Louis Area Archivists
  • Brian Keough, Capital Area Archivists of New York
  • Heather Moran, Maine Archives and Museums
  • John LeGloahec, Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives Conference
  • Jessica Sedgwick, New England Archivists
  • Mary Rubin, Society of Florida Archivists
  • Andrew J. Noga, Society of Indiana Archivists
  • Beth Bilderback, South Carolina Archival Association

Education Subcommittee - Jennifer Brannock

Relevant goals in three year plan:

a.) Develop a platform to share regionals’ educational powerpoints,handouts, and ideas (year 2)

b.) Explore the possibility of sharing a regional’s educational effort with members of the other regionals, such as opening a regional's low cost webinar to other regionals (year 3)


Goals identified at general meeting


  • Create a document repository/clearinghouse

    • Include: sample bylaws, organizational governance documents, presentation PowerPoints with speakers’ notes, workshop handouts, examples of promotional materials, advocacy materials (will collaborate with advocacy committee, conference programs (get sense of ideas for sessions), sample grant applications (coordinate with grant committee), etc.  

  • Advocacy workshop

    • Have members who attended SAA workshop give a similar workshop/presentation to their groups

    • Create a PowerPoint template that can be used/modified by other RAAC members

  • Education needs survey

    • Create an education needs survey to distribute to regional organization members (to be included with a once-per-year survey sent out on behalf of all RAAC subcommittees in case there are additional subcommittee information needs)


  • Explore the possibility of sharing a regional’s educational effort to the broader RAAC membership, such as opening a regional’s webinar to the RAAC members

  • Create a speaker’s bureau

  • Determine if other workshops may be needed by organizations and implement the “train the trainer” program

  • Explore offering online training


Committee members / volunteers:



  • Sarah Milligan, Central Oklahoma Archivists League
  • Susan Hernandez, Cleveland Archival Roundtable
  • Sarah Galligan, New Hampshire Archives Group
  • Amy Heidrick, Seattle Area Archivists
  • Katie Blank, Southeastern Wisconsin Archives Group
  • Deborah Kloiber, Twin Cities Archives Round Table
  • Laura Starratt, Society of Georgia Archivists (symposium)

Public Awareness Subcommittee - Daniel Alonzo

Relevant goals in three year plan:

a.) Write articles for various venues across the country about the RAAC and specific regionals to highlight activities and significance (Under “Encourage collaboration”)

b.) support the development and/or coordination of promotional and outreach programs and tools for regionals (Under “coordinate efforts to streamline actions, reduce costs, increase services”)


Goals identified at general meeting


  • Make list of known venues for articles and create a plan for who will write articles and what they might highlight (re: the regionals and the RAAC); execute plan. Add links to such newsletters to the Directory as appropriate. Might include non-archival groups such as AAM, ALA, RBMS, etc.

  • Review the ribbon badges (75 created for $50, all gone) and bookmarks (550 - with significant leftovers) that we made for SAA this year and determine how we can we carry forward this work next year.

  • Determine a format, schedule, and authors for our “regional of the month” RAAC facebook post.

  • Short article, Facebook post or blog post written, based on Maine’s economic impact, about developing advocacy resources for regionals, ways for regionals to share ideas- touch base with Advocacy (need to clarify this note from the meeting, Daniel to touch base with Marcella)


  • Provide a press release template to regionals on “what are archives?” or “what do archivists do?”

  • Provide online resource for cultivating press / media contacts


Committee members / volunteers:

  • Laura Sullivan, Consortium of Iowa Archivists
  • Yvonne Loiselle, Greater New Orleans Archivists
  • Jennifer O'Neal, Northwest Archivists, Inc.
  • Rebekah Davis, Society of Alabama Archivists
  • Kathleen I. Smith, Society of Tennessee Archivists

Grant Development Subcommittee - Kristen Chinery

Relevant goals in three year plan:

a.) Develop an online resource that will make regionals and their members aware of grant opportunities at the federal and regional level (year 2)

b.) Foster collaborative grant writing projects among RAAC participants (year 3)

Goals identified at general meeting


  • Develop an online resource that will make regionals and their members aware of grant opportunities at the federal and regional level. Include scholarships, programming grants, in-kind work projects, and preservation grants that focus on public awareness or digitization.  

  • Provide support required to endorse the collection match tool; hand off work to co-chairs or another subcommittee (endorsement approved by steering committee 9/17/2014)


  • Foster collaborative grant writing projects among RAAC participants, which could include multi-regional projects focused on cold storage, digital storage, or film preservation.


Committee members / volunteers

  • Michelle Riggs,  Louisiana Archives and Manuscripts Association

  • Anne Ryckbost, Kentucky Council on Archives

  • Clay Stalls, Society of California Archivists

  • Judith Wiener, Society of Ohio Archivists  

  • Maurita Baldock, Conference of Inter-Mountain Archivists  

  • Carey Heatherly, Society of Alabama Archivists

Disaster Preparedness - Daria Labinsky

Relevant goals in three year plan:

a.) Identify disaster planning and recovery resources in all regionals across the United States in order to create online resource (year 2)

b.) Based on RAAC’s online resource identifying the disaster planning and recovery resources in all regionals across the United States, publish an article / blog post / listserv message for regionals to use as reminders to their memberships (year 3)

Goals identified at general meeting


  • Identify existing disaster recovery resources available regionally
  • Identify disaster preparedness educational resources available regionally
  • Consolidate links into a guide on the RAAC microsite
  • Communicate the presence of the guide through SAA and the regionals

2015-2016 -- tbd


Committee members / volunteers


  • Leslie O'Neill, Delaware Valley Archivists Group 
  • Malia Van Heukelem, Association of Hawaii Archivists
  • Celeste Wiley, Charleston Archives, Libraries and Museum Council
  • Leslie O'Neill, Delaware Valley Archivists Group
  • Mark Wolfe, New York Archives Conference
  • Gregor Trinkaus-Randall (ex-officio)