2013-2014 Goals and Accomplishments

Goals for inaugural  year (10/2013-9/2014):  

  • Select leaders for 2013-2014; 
  • Select and implement a communication structure for committee leadership, committee members, and their constituencies;
  • Develop a 3-year plan for implementing its purpose statement, report this plan to regional and SAA leadership, and compile regional and SAA member comments for use in implementing the plan; 
  • Select at least one collaborative project to be completed and reported upon by July 1, 2014.


Accomplishments for inaugural  year : 

This report (attached below) was submitted by RAAC co-chairs Rachel Chatalbash and Amanda Focke and details RAAC's activities and development throughout it's inaugural year.

RAAC 2013-2014 accomplishments.pdf79.09 KB