Annual Meeting of the SAA EAD Roundtable, August 24, 2011
Welcome and introductions (John Nemmers and Mark Matienzo, Co-chairs)
Election results: Hillel Arnold elected as incoming co-chair for 2011-2013.
Results of survey regarding roundtable website and other website-related updates:
The EADRT maintains the EAD Help Pages as a set of static HTML files and is interested in migrating the site to SAA’s Drupal platform.
Roundtable leadership conducted a survey in October 2010 to evaluate how the website was used. The survey results are attached.
The incoming roundtable leadership expects to make significant changes to content, such as potentially decommissioning the EAD Implementers pages as they are the hardest to maintain and the most out of date.
Attendees discussed other possibilities such as collaborating with the Standards Committee’s new standards portal.
Updates and announcements
SAA Council (Outgoing rep: Tom Hyry; incoming rep: Bill Landis
2011 Program Committee (Mark Shelstad)
Archivists’ Toolkit/Archon/ArchivesSpace (Mark Matienzo and Brad Westbrook)
Technical Subcommittee on Encoded Archival Context (Kathy Wisser and Anila Angjeli)
NHPRC (Dan Stokes)
Standards Committee (Cory Nimer)
EAD Revision Forum (Organized by Technical Subcommittee on EAD)
The EADRT yielded the rest of the timeslot to TSEAD to provide a form on the EAD Revision process. Presentations are linked below.